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  1. Hey guys, thank you for your replies. I finally got it connected to a NFS server and detected the hard drive. I used LabF nfsAxe on Windows 7. I am looking to test it on freenas and see if NFS works. Thank you.
  2. I am trying to get my IP Camera to detect the hard drive, so I can record videos. The software I have is called NVMS7000 which came with my camera. It has a camera and storage management built in. It tells me I need to point a NFS file path as you can see the imgur links. Thank you.
  3. Hi, I found out the camera i bought included a network video managment system or NVMS 7000. I am using a LaView LV-CDP6014 ONVIF-S IP camera. I just want to test everything out before i move it over a different machine. I got the software to recognize my camera. I can access the cameras configuration menu from the NVMS or through the web control panel. I installed the "storage server" and it recognized the sata drive i connected. Im only testing things out, so I used a spare 160GB drive. The problem that has been giving me a headache was how do I get the camera to recognize the hdd? This is from the cameras managment screen It says to enter the nfs parameters So i did try these things 1.) Made the hdd as a shared folder. Put the //..... path in the nfs parameter screen and didnt recognize anything 2.) made the drive as a network drive, but that didnt work I am not asking for a complete guide, just some notes and what I need to put or change. Thank you very much for your support.
  4. Hi everyone, I picked up a Laview LV-CDP6014 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=0XR-0084-00027 and I am lost at the NAS settings part. I called up Laview tech support department and they said the camera communicates via ONVIF-S protocol. I setup a Freenas server thinking it might detect the hard drive, but it did not. He said I could get a NVR system. However, I was wondering if I could build a NVR system from a old pc? and have the ip camera point towards the NVR and do all the storage saving? I am new to ip cameras. I bought this for my computer repair shop. Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you.