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  1. I'm looking for something similar, but with 12 inputs... Any clue about what forum users should call a "trusted brand"?
  2. First of all, forgive me for my poor English skills... I don't use to write in English very often... I friend told me if I'm able to tune up his old AVR670 in order to connect it remotely -I can read in his motherboard: AVR670m -firmware version: 2020-10-K8-04-AA-14 -It's probably version 1 of AVR760: no USB, no SATA, no IR remote. -Some curious point is it hasn't a fan where it was supposed to be (like others I've seen on pictures). When a connect to VCR (via video viewer) I can see what you see in the monitor out (if I click on panel's buttons I can see the menus), but I can't do anything more... -Virtual Panel buttons on VV (1,.. 4, menu, stop, enter, etc) doesn't seem to work. -If I try to configure remotely this DVR, worng data will be wrote inside, causing a malfunction (eg. if configure camera settings, all values of BRIG, CONT, etc are set to '0', and you´ll see nothing from cameras). Another example: If I configure a newer remote user, It won't let you login anymore using Video Viewer with none of the accounts (including defualt 'admin' account ). -All searches in recordings history, have NO matches -And so on... I tryed installing several verions of VV on two Windows 7 64bits with the same results: - (this chrashes just after conecting) - - - - Does anyone have any clue??? If anyone has used succesfully Video Viewer with the same AVR760m (version 1), Can he/she tell me which version of VV has used? And thank you very much to all the people who make this forum goes on! " title="Applause" />