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  1. I just bought an Acti ACM5611 on E-Bay, and have spent the best part of the last two days battling with the setup. I have read a lot and learned a lot in the past couple of days, but there is a glitch somewhere that I just can't find. I understand that the ACTi cameras can work with or without the ACTi NVR software, but whichever way I come at it the problem remains that I CANNOT get the system to send me an e-mail with a snapshot attached when motion is detected. I have checked and rechecked all the settings, and it does now send a snapshot to the FTP server, but that is it. I have tried setting up notifications and settings for e-mails with and without a snapshot, but all to no avail. The weird thing is that when I click on the e-mail test in NVR the test mail duly arrives in gmail, but motion produces nothing except the FTP'd snapshot. I have tried to ensure that set up is the same in the cam and in NVR, but I wonder if there is a conflict somewhere. My PPPoe fields in the configurator are currently blank, so I wonder if that is the problem, but then the test works... I haven't messed with ports, but I thought port mapping was more for incoming connections, and again the test works... Could this be a hardware issue? I have another ACTi cam coming soon, but I sure would like to find this bug - I have been a dog with a bone the last two days...Many thanks to any who respond.