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Everything posted by phewitt123

  1. Hello, I have bought a used CnM Digital Video Recorder and 4 CnM CCTV camera's. I mounted the 4 cameras and connected them to the DVR and each camera apprears on the screen, however I cannot control any of the cameras through the PTZ address options as their is no manual for the cameras. The DVR manual says the address must correspond to the camera's address but I cannot find out the camera's address? Can anybody help? Thanks
  2. phewitt123

    CCTV Camera Address?

    Thanks, The DVR is a kit, came with 2 cameras which are connected with BNC connectors to the back of the DVR, pictures appear on the screen and the PTZ software settings ask for channel, address, baud rate, protocol etc. DVR manual says the cameras need addressing or they wont work. Not sure what to do next? Thanks