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Everything posted by banjeman

  1. Hopefully this is the right spot for this as I couldnt decide between here or the DVR section. Anyway see below. After spending a couple of days searching if and how the QSEE QT817 DVR with HD-SDI cameras could interface with Vera (I am getting a Vera for my B-Day) and not getting very far. Closest i came talked about a QSEE NVR. I decided to search how to get the DVR to interface with Blue Iris software (apparently a very popular computer software solution). Again finding no insight if this was possible. i decided to download blue iris and give it a shot anyway. I figure if I can get it to work with Blue Iris, then I might be able to interface directly with Vera or worse case just use Blue Iris as a middle man. So this is for anyone else that may be trying to figure this out. (Side note I had the DVR fully working with web interface viewing, remote phone access, local phone access before attempting this) I got it to work by doing the following. QT DVR software version is 3.3 and Blue Iris evaluation software is 3.62.02 after installing Blue Iris I clicked on Add Camera, selected the Video Tab, selected Network IP, then clicked configure and found these settings work (after much trial and error) input the DVR IP Address and where there is a drop down box that says "select camera if not automatically found" click on it and select QSEE QT504 (video port 6036)...this will place in the http box: 80 and in the port box: 6036 What i changed was the http port number to match the port my dvr was using (85) and input a user name and password. I also increased my buffer to 10mb (doubt this mattered). I left everything else defaulted (there is a drop down box that allows you to select camera number which will be needed later) and clicked OK. Once I was back in the video tab in the Image area "automatically adjust" was checked and I selected the highest image resolution and 30 Fps. I then clicked OK and in about a minute I was seeing camera 1 in my system. OK here is where it gets interesting, as I thought well I need to see all four of my cameras. Here is what i found. I could not just simply repeat the process and just select a different camera number from the drop down (example 1). when I tried this I got errors or simply a no signal message. The trick is in the DVR software you have to setup as many normal users as you have cameras, so I setup 4 users and repeated the above steps and only changes were I logged in as a different user and changed the camera number. A side note the image resolution drops down to 480x240@30FPS I am not really worried about resolution as my DVR is recording in high resolution and this is just a means to interface to the Vera i will soon receive. Also remember that there is a setting in the DVR for max users online, so ensure you allow that for each camera a different user will be logged in. I also could not get it to work using an Admin (which is weird and may work for you) level user. Also in my DVR in the network substream I have CIF selected and it appears to me the substream of the channels is what Blue Iris is receiving, I might play with the substream to see if I can get higher resolution. Anyway I have spent quite a few hours trying to find out how to do the above using Google to no avail, so hopefully this will assist someone trying to do the same thing