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  1. Baffled_but_Happy

    Qvis Setup

    Hi Guys... I'm new to CCTV and remote viewing (that sounds like I'm trying to read minds - google it). So new that I decided the best option was to go for Qvis as it promised easy setup and I'd be able to keep an eye of my CCTV feed on my iphone. So, with a spring in my step and flutter in my heart, I skipped home and 3 weeks later, I'm still trying to figure out how to connect it for remote viewing. Qvis have an App - which I have but need to set it up first. All the pictures in the book re setup for this option are different from what's actually on the website. When I go online to their own support, they don't answer. When going through their idiot proof setup, the software keeps asking me to enter a captcha which I enter, it then gives me a new one to enter, and so the process continues. Can someone please give me idiot proof instructions on how a simpleton like me can set this up... PLEASE!!!!!