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  1. I have 2 DVR Systems linked to 1 router and I am struggling to get them working remotely. System 1 - DVR1 Settings: (all default) Local IP - 127 HTTP - 80 server - 8000 It has 32 cameras . all cameras with different local ip and all listening on port 8000. System 2 - dvr2 Settings: (all default) Local IP - 10 HTTP - 90 server - 2000 It has 16 cameras . all cameras with different local ip than dvr1 and all listening on port 8000. They both work fine locally i.e if i see using localip:port( and localip:port( and I have configured the router with port forwarding of 80,8000 on and 90,2000 on Now if i access dvr1 from externalip:80 it works fine. but if i access dvr2 from externalip:90 then it is showing cameras of dvr1. what could be wrong?