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Posts posted by Neutech

  1. RF Concepts are a real company based in N.Ireland and they sold geovision cards


    Yes there are tons of fake cards on the market but you will only know by checking the serial number on the card on the geovison website.


    Also the older cards came with GV650/GV800 writing on the board, its what is on the chip is what matters, there will be a sticker stating 650 or 800 and another chip beside it stating ports and S_ version


    Where are you based?

  2. Buy a seperate IR illuminator and forget fitting IR into the Dome, You'll end up with Spiders webbing all over it to start never worry about the IR bounceback you'll end up trying to get rid of


    Hook the illuminator up on a test lead and try different spots to get the desired cover you need without IR Glare etc

  3. Hi Tom



    Already tried that have lowered second Stream on CIF @ 5 FPS


    I've been watching it last hour or so


    6 cameras system, i've been watching it steady the last hour or so, there are 3 cameras that would have consistant movement on them but sometimes 2 are freezing up and the rest are showing e.g 41Kps 36Kps 101Kps but there is no one there as the places are closed up

  4. Anyone tried this DVR?


    quality on playback @ D1 is pretty good


    some useful touches like the video matrix set up for spot out


    not so impressed with the remote view, have tried a few settings and adjustments but the DVR seems to decide to have 2 or 3 cameras operating and 3 or 4 not....pretty weird


    Anyone shed any light on it?


    Not the connection on site as its fine


    Seems to be DVR issue somewhere very inconsistant

  5. Either take a cable from the router to the DVR or if thats not handy use these - http://www.google.co.uk/products/catalog?hl=en&q=powerline+adapters&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1280&bih=705&wrapid=tlif133466175449610&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=6953290694851366468&sa=X&ei=f1KNT4GdHMLOhAeeqcyFCw&ved=0CHcQ8wIwAA#


    Plugs into mains and router downstairs and mains and DVR upstairs


    2 cameras? i will be honest your not going to get much of a system in 2 cameras no matter how small a house it is, people tend to fit a camera with wide angle front and one back and think its job done but its not, you havnt much hope of identifiying anyone or thing unless its standing 1 foot from those cameras,theyre fine for general observation


    Look at you property again and i'd say 4 minimum


    Where are you located?

  6. I would not be going for 32 CH DVR


    Leaves you in diffs if a DVR decides to die on you


    16CH x 4 DVR's

    Why not 16 four-channel DVRs then? Then you only stand to lose four channels at a time.


    Very professional reply for someone trying to offer some sensible advice

    ....and no need for a "spare" DVR to be purchased if 16ch were used as there are 3 on site already, im sure if not at least 1 or 2 of these could be kept as backups

  7. Test it at the DVR with a screen and see if you have the issue still there


    RG59 would be better option to take the DVR feed to the Modulator


    Also what brand Modulator are you using?


    I havent used an IR Camera in over 5 years nor would i, they claim X distance which never comes close add to that the Spider attraction it turns into a nature watch program at night


    Good quality camera with IR cut filter and a light structure wether its serperate IR or Halogen
