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Posts posted by heloder

  1. Hi,


    Thanks for the interest in our products. Our h.264 mobile is fairly new and we are working on porting the full feature set of our old MPEG4 Mobile to the new hardware. This will give the appearance of "beta". We expect to have everything done in the next 6 weeks or so. We are adding new features every week. A new easier to use interface as well as geofencing is being added this week to Mobilelink (our real time vehicle tracking and video streaming DVR web software).


    If I can ever be of assistance, please contact me.




  2. Ryan,


    I see that you were emailing with Matt in early November. Did you get his email?


    Also, your video problems are caused by the video card you are using. Try using and X700 or Radeon X1050. Support for the new ATI and Nvidia cards are being released in version 5.3. If you are still having problems... feel free to email to our support department.





    Also, feel free to contact our support department by phone... 800-464-0831
