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Everything posted by heloder

  1. Hello, Please contact support@saysecurity.com Also, please provide your order number. Cordially, Jason
  2. Hello, Yes we do have an API. Please contact me at jason@saysecurity.com. We have WM5 and WM6, but many are looking for the iphone. Perhaps you could get some new business. Jason
  3. 1. IP Camera is an upgrade. Depends on how you buy 5.2 2. Red is the new Green 3. We have changed the way you exit the application. Please contact our support department for instructions. 4. Remote Client 100% vista compatible
  4. Not with that board. 1 Camera switching.
  5. http://www.mobilewitness.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=30&Itemid=45 There is also a 4 CH version coming in Q4.
  6. Yes, the web client comes free with every DVR.
  7. What bugs? How do you configure it to stream the video? I could not find any TCP port settings or anything.... I know DIGINET(kodicom) can use VNC as IP camera emulation but it has some bugs.
  8. You must have the client software to play the .bix and .box files unless you have 5.2. You can now backup as an .exe file.
  9. http://www.asgdvr.com/diginet52.htm Hello, Download 5.2 at the above link. After you install 5.2 it will take you to a page to enter your credit card details. 5.2 require activation from a server so a single key won't help. Cheers!
  10. NewPOS POS system to any DVR systems If it is new POS system, then a protocol must be written. This goes for AVE and all others. Even if it is using serial, the text inserter or POS interface software must know how to read and understand the data. The time this will take depends on three things: 1. Is the data IP or serial 2. The difficulty of the text being generated by the POS 3. The availability and technical level of the POS company creating the Protocol that goes into the text box or POS interface software We’ve done interfaces in as little as two days, and others that have taken as long as two weeks.
  11. What POS System are you interfacing with?
  12. heloder

    PTZ panning above horizon 90 degrees

    Our camera would also work in your application. http://www.titancamera.com/index.php/products/cameras/titan
  13. heloder

    Laser Illuminators

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FYSUfxQuSs&eurl=http://www.youtube.com/my_videos_edit2?ns=1&video_id=5FYSUfxQuSs&next=%2Fmy_videos2%3Fpi%3D0%26ps%3D20iurl=http://s2.ytimg.com/vi/5FYSUfxQuSs/default.jpg Video of Laser IR
  14. http://www.titancamera.com/ For Marine or Port Applications go with the Stainless Steel.
  15. Did I miss something. Where did D3Data go?
  16. You can try with your current MB, but intel is always best. We use the X1050 from ATI. Anthing ATI should work, but that is a good board at a good price.
  17. heloder

    Laser Illuminators

    I was doing some research for the release of our new laser products and guess where it brought me……… this site is pulling up on the majority of my cctv searches. That’s good. I’ll post some video of our laser camera soon. We are still amazed by the quality in zero lux.
  18. heloder

    KSR 816 Booting problem

    It would be best to ship it back to the dealer you bought it from. I don't think firmware will fix this.
  19. Send me the serial number on the back of the board and i'll help you out. Just need to confirm you have a real card. J
  20. The short answer is...... its not the CPU, its the MB chipset. While chipsets other than Intel will work, you might suffer a FPS loss, or odd things in the software. You also might want to look at upgrading to version 5.1.
  21. 4.x has a problem with any MB chipset other than Intel. The best video card to use is an ATI. Packaged PC's such as Dell and HP usually don't turn out great results. You might get them to work, but you will have inconsistent FPS on the recording side. 5.x now has support for Nvidia and ATI.
  22. Ok, I’m surprised that anyone even remembers the old “Wood GUIâ€