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Everything posted by shropna

  1. Actually, i'm not find that release note, but Sanyo ads "no limit" to JPEG mode. Higher resolution on H264 not available.... I can test HD4600 at monday, regarding 3mpx/5fps... But, in real situation, i prefer and use 1920x1080 at 5fps H264 for recordings....
  2. shropna

    In Car (mobile) ANPR camera

    So, any suggestions?
  3. What thermal cameras you use? FLIR. One Wide-Eye, two SR-19s. A Raven-X2 box and Object Video software. Huh? Huh I,m has just one WideEye in my cameras list:) Instalation on Oil station on sea... So, respect to You But, use them on parking lot?
  4. No problems to setup. But, video parameters of that cameras is ok? Like "native" sensitivity?
  5. No problems, to setup. But, video parameters of that cameras is ok? Like "native" sensitivity?
  6. You can transmit lots more signals via single coax, if you use CATV technology If You has any experience, and want low cost solution, use TV modulators, and TV demodulator's on other end of single cable. If You do not understood my suggestion, jut ignore it
  7. What thermal cameras you use? And analytic engine? Of course, thermal cameras can trigger an alarm, but you should use adapted to thermal cameras video content analytic... And. Using thermal cameras on parking lot.... Effective, if you remove that cameras from used BMW
  8. Rory, You "apply" you opinion like "no discussed"..... So.....
  9. Anyway, it just "no standard" solution. Temporary, at this time, with lots of ActiveX...... After some time, when camera manufacturers will comply ONVIV, you will find another tool. Or, like a Sanyo, Pelco, IQvision, etc... will provide you standard SD output for test monitor for angle adjustment. And, Sanyo and Pelco will provide you remote focus At this moment, you can use at you own risk
  10. shropna

    SONY Megapixel

    Try this soft: http://www.digifort.com/professional The main advantage - you can use 2 streams from camera - one for recording (lower frame rate, higher resolution), second for live viewing (higher frame rate, lower resolution). In Live view window you can easy change streams. This feature really helps to build system. Of course, first cameras should support dual streaming. Also, if you contact Digifort, new Beta version of soft with more features will be available for you. Also, cameras per server or workstation:
  11. Via COM1 Adapter, like "POE" is included with keyboard..... You not carefully read manual. Page 11:
  12. shropna

    Vista VC16Te-320 (Norbain)

    Just first connect cameras, then turn on DVR. PAL - NTSC auto sensing
  13. shropna

    12vdc cameras and baluns ?

    Not only active. Inputs should be isolated.... Like this: http://www.nvt.com/content.php?type=product&key=862&cid=root
  14. shropna

    12vdc cameras and baluns ?

    Or use passive baluns only on camera side At "center" side use active twisted pair receiver, with isolated inputs. Actually, i'm never use passive baluns at "center".....
  15. O.T. Is it possible to repair this HDD?: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=605894&l=2cd204ba05&id=1784037852
  16. Yes, Joystick is 3 axis, with zoom. What input you need on back side?
  17. shropna

    PC screen recording

    So, situation: Control room operators PC's with two 192x1080 resolution. I should record screens to an NVR like IP camera's streams. Recording requirements: Resolution not less than monitors (1920x1080), frame rate not less than 12,5 fps, compression - H264. I know some softwares (Mirasys, as example), which has some utility's to capture screen and send stream to NVR, but Mirasys use Mjpeg compression, not required H264.... Any ideas?
  18. shropna

    PC screen recording

    Thanks, Bean00. Vitek not manufacture this devices, but i'm deal with them
  19. shropna

    Stadium surveilance

    So, main requirement - EVERY FACE SHOULD BE RECOGNIZED! Good document: http://www.mrfsgroup.com/PDFs/cctv/The-Mathematics-of-Megapixel-CCTV-Technology-in-Football-Stadiums.pdf But.... I need alternative to Avigilon cameras... Any ideas? (please, read document at link first)
  20. shropna

    PC screen recording

    I'm know some another manufacturers: www.advanceddigital.ca www.z3technology.com http://www.teracue.com/ http://vsicam.com/ http://www.epiphan.com/ And this is near Broadcast TV companies. Price per HDMI channel is around 5000 euros.... To expensive for "ours ip camera standards"....
  21. 0809 dome doesnt works without back box. Back box of this dome contain huge part of telemetry control, such addressing module, etc.... This is not only cables "split box".
  22. shropna

    Stadium surveilance

    Oh, how many posts.... Rory, I'm half agree with you about cameras for face capture placing at entrances, etc... But, you also need look at whole seats area, to find, where is "necessary" person. And vice versa - how many time guards should look at recorded entrances video to find one person from, as example, 20000 visitors? About cost of some cameras. I'm do some projects wit cooled and uncooled thermal cameras, more than 100000 $ each...
  23. shropna

    Stadium surveilance

    Lumenera previously had 11 MP 35 mm format camera, but now that camera is eol....