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Everything posted by AndyBoy

  1. Hi. I have 2 very old PTZ Cameras that I need to understand the pinouts of each. I've restored the PTZ assembly using an Arduino microcontroller board and need to connect the cameras once I know the pinout config. Thanks in advance. ULTRAK Camera 1. Model: SCZ-300/E/X P/N: 843216-0901 DIAMOND ELECTRONICS Camera 2. Model: SCZ-300/C/X P/N: 517887-3040 Is it possible that these cameras follow a standard pinout config for the 7 pin and 9 pin ribbon plugs?
  2. I found on this picture on this forum - it shows pinouts hence my wishfull thinking - I was hopeful that there is a similar illustration for my Cameras. Do you guys suggest I try alternative and stop waisting time on the MOdules I have?
  3. @ tomcctv. I think I do understand now - And very dissapointed that these modules are almost useless to me now... I've removed all Circuit boards from the PTZ housing and left just the motors. I thought I could just wire up the cameras as you would with normal CCTV security Cameras.. Is there perhaps any alternatives?
  4. @AK357 - I used an Arduino UNO with a L298n Motor driver and a Joystick. With a bit of wire and a sketch copied from the internet I've managed to get the original Pitmann motors working off the Arduino controlled by the Joystick x and y...
  5. Thanks for the Quick Repsponse...I want to connect these Cameras independantly so I need to understand which "wires" of the Ribbon Cable do I connect to power, ground, video etc.