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  1. Huntest

    Outdoor Camera with mobile monitor

    Good suggestion, still checking out the site at the moment but what I need is a video camera. I do like the camoflauge designs though. I'll post back if i find anything on the site that will work. Thanks
  2. Huntest

    Outdoor Camera with mobile monitor

    Ok, this looks like it would be perfect. I jsut need to make sure I'm understanding this right. Does the camera come with everything to link to my phone? Also, do I need to pay a monthly fee to use it? One of my other concerns with going the 4G route was the GB plans they have are very limited unless I spend over 100 dollars. Would I need 2 of these plans in order to upload and download the data to my phone? Sorry if I sound dumb, never worked with stuff like this before.
  3. Huntest

    Outdoor Camera with mobile monitor

    So would something like this work? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=0Z2-0046-00007&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-PC&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-PC-_-pla-_-IP+%2f+Network+Cameras-_-0Z2-0046-00007&gclid=CjwKEAjw2ImsBRCnjq70n_amv14SJAChXijN4c_4LksOvAqvrGZk4U5PjtYVffvfiys1wrOX3PMLvBoCJA3w_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds I'm not very familiar with networking so could you explain how to set it up? Also, am I using my phone as a monitor for this setup?
  4. Huntest

    Outdoor Camera with mobile monitor

    I am trying to do this without a home network involved. Also the location I will place the camera is 2 miles from where i will be which is deep in the woods, far from home. Sorry for the confusion. Also, I don't think I need an UPS device from what I can gather. Are there cameras that run on batteries or is it possible to get something that a camera can plug into that converts batteries to it? I've been looking at bridges and they are pretty expensive but my main concern is the distance. The signal will be going straight through a forest. Is it possible to use a satelite instead like a 4G service or something? Nice work on the diagram, it's helping me better understand how networks work.
  5. Hi, avid hunter here. This isn't security related but hoping you could help me out. I need a camera that can stream to a remote monitor so i can watch for deer in 2 different places at once. It will be a little over 2 miles away from my position and will need to be waterproof. The quality of the picture isn't very important but being able to record footage would be a nice plus. It also needs to be able to stay powered by battery or something for about a week at a time without plugging in. Do you have any ideas what I could use for this? I also have a phone that can stream video so that could also be an option. Thank you.