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Everything posted by Evader53

  1. After our current DVR went out, I toyed with converting the whole system to full HD but instead have decided to just keep our current 700 TVL cameras and replace the DVR with a basic budget 960H. I'm looking for a DVR that will last a long time and will be hassle-free. I'm looking for input on which of these 960H DVR's would be the best bang for the buck (the current DVR is a 4-channel. We have a 5th camera wired up, but its not necessary to use. Hence the reason some of the DVR's below are 4 ch and some are 8ch).; #1 Dahua Effio 960H 1U Link: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Dahua-4-Channel-Effio-960H-1U-Stand-Alone-DVR-1TB-HDD-/321469132777?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4ad90dafe9 #2 Aposonic A-S0801R18SL Link: http://www.amazon.com/Aposonic-A-S0801R18SL-8-Channel-Surveillance-Standalone/dp/B00RGN4J10/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top?ie=UTF8 #3 Q-See QT5682-1 Link: http://www.amazon.com/Q-See-QT5682-1-Channel-Recording-Pre-Installed/dp/B00I2N6QOQ/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top?ie=UTF8 #5 Z-Modo ZMD-DX-SBL8-1TB Link: http://www.amazon.com/Zmodo-Channel-Security-QR-Code-ZMD-DX-SBL8-1TB/dp/B0095EIONM/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top?ie=UTF8 #6 Zosi ZR08DA/10 Link: http://www.amazon.com/ZOSI-Standalone-Recording-Security-Surveillance/dp/B00KLZN49S/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top?ie=UTF8 #7 Sannce D3708G31H1T-9/22 Link: http://www.amazon.com/product-reviews/B00NSARRGY/ref=acr_dpx_see_all?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=1
  2. We have five CTRT ADT cameras installed around our home for security and up until recently have been using an old DVR that recorded very poor quality (pictures below show current setup) which was installed in the home when we purchased it. Recently, we had lightning hit the house and shorted out the DVR so its time for a new one, and we'd like to be able to view recordings at whatever the max quality the cameras will record. It would also be great if we could connect it to the internet to view screen shots of the images at any time from any location, but this is not a requirement. I've tried to do some research but just can't seem to find solid info. Can you guys please recommend a good, reliable, name brand DVR? Willing to spend $500 give or take. Thanks in advance! The models of cameras are one of these: TRT7212W | CTRT7212G | CTRT7550W | CTRT7550G. EDITED: Boogieman corrected me, as I had originally thought the cameras recorded HD. Post edited to correct information. Below is a picture of the current dvr thats in there
  3. Thanks for the recommendation. This is for my parents home so they would not be able to install the new cameras without my help, and that will be a few months down the line. Would the DVR with that package work with the existing non-HD cameras that are already installed? Thanks
  4. My bad, I had thought they were HD cameras, I will update my original post to reflect that. Correct, we want to replace that Tyco ADT DVR, which is fried and use the five cameras already installed around the house (CTRTxxxxW/G models listed earlier. I'd just like to make sure whichever DVR we purchase, we are able to maximize whatever quality those cameras put out. Thanks again. Im not understanding..do you simply want to replace this dvr and use the analog cameras? You say you have HD cameras? what models? where are they recording? The cameras you listed are not HD cameras.
  5. Boogieman, Thanks for the reply. I'm unsure of the exact model but its one of these: CTRT7212W | CTRT7212G | CTRT7550W | CTRT7550G. Thanks again to all for any help.