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Everything posted by DaveyLC

  1. **EDIT HERES THE FIX https://www.dropbox.com/s/3hy72q4osstun72/5.30%20Downgrader.rar?dl=0 ** Yes, I know.. I shouldn't have touched it but I was really interested to see if the number-plate recognition works in the latest versions The camera is a DS-2CD2132F-IS with a Chinese serial number ... I've managed to rescue it with v5.2.5 (chinese) but now the GUI is in chinese (not such a massive issue) and my NVR is moaning that there is a "Language Missmatch" (more annoying). At this stage I've got mad with myself and bought a new camera but I would LOVE to fix this one I've been doing lots of research and I've tried modifying other versions of the firmware both older and newer (5.30) with the HikTools executable but alas everything fails to install I dont suppose anyone has a copy of the Hooky 'Engrish' v5.2.5 firmware which has been installed on these chinese devices? Thanks for any help guys
  2. The new one just showed up.. Bloody Chinese market **** again from a uk seller... I'm going to kick off on eBay.
  3. Heres the fix: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3hy72q4osstun72/5.30%20Downgrader.rar?dl=0
  4. IVE CRACKED IT! I found a post regarding a 5.3.0 downgrade!
  5. I'd be extremely happy to get back to an English v5.2.5 I've been googling but I've found no reliable source for a working English 5.2.5 firmware
  6. There must be a source of some hooky firmware that started out on these cameras though surely?