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  1. Hi all, I have a dilemma which you all might find interesting. I'm a university student doing work at a virtual reality lab. We are working on augmented reality, which entails use of a head mounted display (like the Oculus Rift), with the addition of camera input of the outside world. The headset we are working on uses two 1080p Sentech cameras (I believe they are this model: http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1069991-REG/sentech_stc_hd203dv_c_mount_1080p_cased.html), and two CCTV lenses (I believe this model: http://www.m12lenses.com/2-8mm-F2-0-Mega-Pixel-CCTV-Board-Lens-p/pt-02820mp.htm). The lenses seem to be as closely focused as is possible, leaving everything further than 6 inches from the cameras completely out of focus. I understand these lenses are fixed focus, so they would theoretically need to be moved closer to the image sensor in order to focus further away, which isn't possible with the cameras we are using. I'm wondering if there are lenses we could buy that would let us adjust focus or at least maintain an infinity focus, but maintaining the same field of view. Here are some images of what I'm working with: http://imgur.com/a/yM9uQ