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Everything posted by sylkie

  1. Hi guys, I searched around and found topics similar to this, but not exactly my situation. I have 16 locations in an office that need cams and I would strongly prefer to put them on a good old analog 16ch DVR (looking at dahua at the moment, unless someone has a better recommendation) but here's the main issue: the client needs to view 4 different sets of 4 channel views on 4 monitors. I.e.- channels 1-4 on 1st monitor, channels 5-8 on monitor 2, channels 9-12 on monitor 3, channels 13-16 on monitor 4. Is this even possible? The equipment to be used is: -16ch DVR with remote viewing capability -4 sanyo monitors -1 computer (tbd) -16 (possibly hikvision) bullet cams thanks in advance!
  2. Hi. It will be easier if you installed a IP system and not analog You can then run network signal direct to any tv I had a feeling someone was gonna say that i have very limited experience with IP stuff, so I was hoping to do analog. but i am open to becoming more proficient with it!
  3. i like the sound of this, what's a quad unit though?
  4. Thanks, but i think we will initially need a standalone DVR or NVR