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Everything posted by napjones

  1. napjones

    help needed for certain modem router....

    Becase internet explorer uses the external IP address and the is a internal ip address either manually configured or automatically assigned by your router. To find your external ip address, open internet explorer and then go to the following website: http://www.whatismyip.com
  2. napjones

    DVR Remote Viewing with Dynamic IP

    Another item to check is to make sure that the routers and windows firewall will allow you to peer thru the ports that you are forwarding.
  3. We have been using only twist on for the last year or wo with good effect. I will keep my fingers crossed that we do not get any of the bad BNC connectors in the channel.
  4. napjones

    So close...

    Another thing to check if you are not getting video in certain location and can get it remotely in another, is to check the broadband connection speed. I found that on a DSL connection at one of my client's office was that the connected was not getting a good download speed. They were paying for 1.5 megabit, but were only getting less than 256K. A call to the ISP cleared up their issue and the problem was solved and the video came through like a champ.
  5. napjones

    Hey from Ohio!

    Glad to meet you neighbor, I am living in the Indianapolis, Indiana area.
  6. napjones

    Dome, da-Dome, Dome

    I find that the Sony chipsets are very very good and much better IMO to Sharp. Most are used by the highend manufacturers. What voltage are you using on your DVR?
  7. napjones

    Which network topography?

    This should not really pose a problem, but it also depends on which software you are running on the computers, the switch should able to route the packets effectively. You should also manually set the ip address for all devices on the network, assuming windows here.
  8. napjones


    Just to let everyone know this company is out of business, but I do know of a company that can still supports products sold by them. Nap Jones
  9. napjones

    DVR and VPN setup

    Thanks for your reply. We will implement this, I was just concerned with the video coming thru. I will let the forum know how it comes out. Nap Jones
  10. Hello all, Our company installed a PC based DVR system recently in a strip mall restaurant. However this is located in a community that has very limited broadband options (meaning controlled by 1 company). This company controls the routers for their clients and will not allow port forwarding. They however allow VPN. My question has anyone used VPN to control their DVR as opposed the remote control software in the DVR? Any concerns that I should have. Nap Jones
  11. napjones

    Anyone seen this DVR before?

    I like the new PC based systems, not much maintenance to them either. After the warranty period some standalone systems cannot be repaired due to being out of production. Nap Jones
  12. napjones

    Security Company in Glasgow, Scotland

    I am new here as well, but am pondering getting into all aspects of security products.
  13. napjones


    Welcome to the forum, I am new here alos. Nap Jones
  14. napjones

    Hello from Indiana

    Greetings from the Hoosier state. new to this forum but not the cctv world. Nap Jones