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  1. yes well it looks i am looking for brand names or recommendations on a decent ndvr anyone have a recommendation on a good system that comes with a decent software package for remote playback and live viewing thats easy to use with 5 sites? back to the plain ndvr setup!
  2. yes that is why i had the biggest concern about upload speeds most people's dsl is 256k upload i rarely even see 384k on basic dsl subscriptions what third party software/method are you talking about i am curious dumping it all to a local pc then uploading from there to somewhere on the internet?
  3. it looks like upload speeds is going to be somewhat of an issue as well of the pricing for the quality i will be getting due to the upload speeds is of concern... so it looks like maybe the multiple dvrs 1 at each location all backing up to a server somewhere at nite? this would give me the ability to watch everything in real time if i connect to the different sites, and hopefully each day or at predetermined intervals allow me to copy all of the data offsite via IP my main concerns are: - i need duplex or better dvrs to keep recording while i view or playback - remote ability to rewind etc - ability to upload on schedule via ip to a server or network space - all dvr's must be able to use same piece of software - must be able to handle 9 cameras for 1 site and 6 cameras for the rest this solution seems a LOT more cheaper than the video servers, which i would prefer but i am not paying the bill the client is and that solution requires more and more investment to really use its potential
  4. the cameras all seem to be of a "pelco d" type, according to the generic viewers that came with the generic dvr's. i think i am going to run into a problem with upload speeds. if each location has lets say 1 video server with 4 cameras , how much upload speed will i need? can you recommend some reliable brand names of dvr's that do what you said they could do. if i did this i need to buy 5 of them and i would like them to be all the same. they would need to be able to handle at least 8-9 cameras Thanks! i am making progress!
  5. well ive been reading like a madman and so far.... it seems i am liking the axis video servers, caught them on another post here while looking for info and it seems to be what i need...... i still need to figure out what they stream to and software i need to make sure i get the whole package but i really like this ip based solution the only thing is i been searching on the pricing for these puppies on the net and it looks like 500-700 bucks for every 4 cameras..... are there any other alternative names i can look at that are reputable? are my prices way off? sorry no other way to check at this hour
  6. Hi all, can anyone recommend a good system for a multi site implementation? my friend's business is taking off, he initially had 3 locations with a cheapy generic standalone dvr with 6 or so cameras at each site. he now has 5 sites, the cheapy dvr's are failing at the 3 initial locations in various ways i am looking to set up a system where all the sites have a DVR with 6-9 cameras, and ALL of the video is dumped to a "server" via IP/internet when he wants to view any camera, from anysite, for any time frame he only has to connect to the server...... he only needs to connect to ONE IP, only needs to backup ONE system, and can centrally manage from the main location is this possible? any systems out ther with these capabilites? the ip/networking set up is not a problem, i just need a good solid brand that is reliable and "standards" based, these generic DVR's are driving me up the wall with their little quirks... all the sites will be connected to the "server" site via dsl/vpn over internet if this kind of setup involves 3rd party software, please recommend as well... all cameras are in place and working its just a matter or ripping out the old dvrs, replacing them and setting up the networking i imagine... i also need a good recomendattion on battery backups and enclosures to ensure no one tampers with the dvrs, which if they did anyways it wouldn't matter because all the video is being dumped offsite realtime anyways! Thanks much for your time! we are ready to purchase yesterday! one of his locations was already broken into last weekend, and "coincidentally" the dvr at that site was somehow "OFF" that day since 6pm and we have no clue why! Robert