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C7 in CA

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Everything posted by C7 in CA

  1. C7 in CA

    CCTV camera sees under clothing!

    I love the technology. I can't wait to be able to just walk through the detector at the airport at speed. I don't care if they can see my "business" if it gets me through the checkpoint faster. It's better then emptying my pockets and taking my shoes off...
  2. Hopefully the Ideal pdf suggestion will work. But if not that is the second unit and I would tell my distributor I didn't have time to waste on it any longer. Luckily I have never had to go to bat against my distributors, but I just couldn't imagine them letting me walk away over 500 bucks on a product they know I am having legitimate issues with. And if they will let you walk away then I guess it's time to find a new distributor. And as far as the manufacturer is concerned; Hold their feet to the fire and get as many email addresses of company management as you can. Send a link to this thread to everyone in the company you can. Let them know industry leaders are watching the progress of your problem.
  3. C7 in CA

    VU or NVT Baluns

    Flooded is a good idea. The outdoor CAT5e I'm using has a flat strip of material in the jacket coated in a gritty powder. It doesn't gel until water hits it. That makes it a lot cleaner and faster to terminate. This stuff is Genesis brand. But others may have a similar product. Sorry the picture is blurry. (cellphone picture) But the white blur on the left is the dry gel stuff. When you strip the jacket off this is wrapped around the conductors. In this picture it is pulled to the side and ready to be cut off... Much easier then wiping the gel off.
  4. C7 in CA

    This is worse then porn.......

    Dude! I wasn't the dude getting. I was only the dude installing. But we need a new server so I was a little jealous. Just a server and three workstations on that job. One of the workstations was at the end of a point to point wireless shot though. You can see the tranzeo radios in that picture too. That server wasn't on the van at the time of the accident. It was the only picture I had with the now damaged doors pre-accident.
  5. C7 in CA

    Security Guards & False Imprisonment

    I haven't read the second story yet but I think it's funny that the blogger expected an apology for this exchange: Security Guard: “Good afternoon.â€
  6. Anyone else ever had a delusion of traveling across history? I have for many time scorpion, for many times...
  7. Hi. I'm not much of an alarm guy but, I am trying to help a client out by cleaning up another installer's problem. I don't even want to know why this is the way it is... but anyway. Does anyone see a problem with swapping out this contact with a 3/8" press fit magnetic contact? I want to put the contact in the jamb above this hinge. you can see the surface mount around the corner right there...
  8. C7 in CA

    Not happy with image

    I'm not familiar with the camera, but are you zooming then focusing? Have you tried focusing at night?
  9. C7 in CA

    Press Fit Magnetic Contact

    I've got some ball switches ordered up. I think I'll go that route if it will make me look like a pro. I'll post some pictures if I don't jack it up too bad.
  10. C7 in CA

    Not happy with image

    Is that zoomed in all the way? That shot is too far to capture the plate or a face. It looks to be out of focus. How are you zooming/focusing? What does the picture look like at night?
  11. C7 in CA

    Conduit bend question

    Ok, re reading your post you did ask how many will fit. How many will fit and how many are allowed by code are two different questions.
  12. C7 in CA

    first installation questions

    You will have practically no voltage drop at those distances. So a 12v power supply should work just fine.
  13. C7 in CA

    RG59/18-2 Siamese

    RG59-18/2 will be fine for residential cameras. I'm guessing it will be better then the RG6 you have been running unless your RG6 happens to be solid copper (which is special order from my supplier). Any electrical supply house should be able to get it with no problems. If they won't sell to a non tradesman you can try the local home improvement store. But I don't know if they would special order or not.
  14. C7 in CA

    Conduit bend question

    My Greenlee master catalog shows EMT hand benders up to 1 1/4". And Rigid hand benders up to 1" I would like to see a guy bend 1" rigid with a hand bender. It can't be easy... I don't think 1 1/4" EMT would be much fun either. Fill capacity for EMT is 40% (basically) That is 6 or 7 CAT5's depending on cable diameter. So roughly 3 siamese cables depending on the cable diameter. But I'm thinking it might only be 2 siamese cables if you do the math.
  15. C7 in CA

    Night Image problem

    Here is a post about Day Night and Infrared Related Threads - Links: http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=6122
  16. C7 in CA

    Press Fit Magnetic Contact

    Hi rory, I'm not sure where the magnet is. I'm thinking he installed the switch and realized it wasn't going to work so didn't bother putting the magnet on the door? Hi VST, I was actually thinking of using a ball switch but was concerned about using it on the hinge side. The switches I am seeing have a flange that sits on the surface of the jamb and the door looks like it shuts completely flush on the hinge side. Wouldn't I have to inset the flange of the switch? It seemed like extra work compared to the mag switch. I do like the idea of having a bigger switch hole for fishing the wire. I know they make larger press fit magnetic contacts too. Problem is I only have a couple of the 3/8" press fit on the truck. But I guess I should just order up a few switches. The job doesn't have to be completed today or anything. It's been like this for months. Also I used "alarm" in the first post for brevity. It's an alarm contact but it actually triggers an event for those nursing call station devices. It's in a dentist office and each procedure area has a call station and when no one is at the receptionist desk they can hit a button on the receptionist's call station that will chime the other stations every time the front door is opened. I do have a question about the GSM radios used for monitoring... Do any US carriers have special rates for this setup? The cheapest regular voice plans seem to be in the 30 to 40 dollar a month range. Meanwhile an RJ31X costs 4 bucks and you can just use an existing phone line. Are you using GSM all the time or just higher end security installs?
  17. C7 in CA

    Press Fit Magnetic Contact

    Thanks for the info. Yep, odd location for sure. I'm thinking I can clean up the finish quite a bit.
  18. Scorpion mentioned unique firestop products in another thread and I didn't want to completely change the subject so I started a new thread... I use their products all the time. But once in awhile I use 3M because that is what the local supplier carries. I frequently find firewall violations with low voltage cabling. I try to correct the problems I find when I can convey the danger to the client. Sometimes they don't want to pay so I can't help. I have used unique firestop's split sleeve in the past. It works great at correcting violations. They even show it on the front page of their website: http://www.uniquefirestop.com/ I did this install not too long ago. They are renters and wouldn't foot the bill to rework this violation. So I just sleeved my cables. I had to take a picture because I laugh everytime I see that fire alarm cable stuffed through that breach.
  19. C7 in CA

    Firewall penetrators

    Now that you mention it I do remember that I have seen that stuff doubled up for a two hour rating. Exactly as you describe too. 2 layers between garage and living area. Do they require residential fire sprinklers over there where you are? Sonoma County requires residential fire sprinklers which is a great life safety improvement but makes it scary to work in the attics. There's nothing like PVC water pipe hidden in blown insulation to keep you on your toes!
  20. C7 in CA

    Fire! Fire! Fire everywhere!! Two arsonist arrested!

    That is good news about your situation. I hope they catch the sickos starting the fires...
  21. C7 in CA

    Fire! Fire! Fire everywhere!! Two arsonist arrested!

    Any update overnight? Is the fire moving away from you?
  22. C7 in CA

    Firewall penetrators

    It's mostly gypsum with some glass fibers in it. The paper only covers the gypsum. I don't know if the paper is treated?
  23. C7 in CA

    Firewall penetrators

    Not too special. That 5/8" Type X is common around here. It's rated for an hour. The drywall slows the fire pretty well. It's the fire getting into the walls through improper firewall penetrations that spreads the fire.
  24. C7 in CA

    Firewall penetrators

    yep. Like for an hour or so.
  25. Thanks for the tip. I see they have some pretty neat stuff.