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C7 in CA

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Posts posted by C7 in CA

  1. Nice car wash! I have worked on the construction of a few car washes so I can appreciate the work involved. Especially the pump racks and such.


    I don't know much about the cameras you listed. But just wanted to point out that facial recognition and license plate capture can be tricky. You may need to dedicate a couple (or more) cameras just for that. If you rely on a camera with a wider overview shot of the wash you won't catch a good facial shot of a person. Just take a look at any of the "caught on video" shows and you will see you can't really ID a person unless the face fills about a 1/3rd or 1/2 of the frame. Anything less then that and you will likely only be able to identify the person if you happen to already know the person.


    Facial and license plate shots work best if you capture the shot at a choke point. In your case the license plate capture could be at the entrance door. And the facial capture could perhaps be at the change machine.

  2. Yeah, or could they have added a 0? It's a toss up between misplaced comma or too many zeros. And what does the contract say? If the price includes a big maintenance contract or something then it may be a fair deal.

  3. That's fast! I went to NTT communications website. I couldn't find any free access offerings. But it does look pretty cheap!


    I can't find much info on free internet in Japan at all... Just the typical open hotspots in hotels and such. Does anyone have info on the free high speed Internet I have been hearing about for years?

  4. Interesting question. I don't know about a cctv specific tester that prints reports. But there are a number of cable testers out there that will print results. What test parameters is he looking for? Maybe cable tests will satisfy him?


    Is the video image acceptable to the client? I mean, that is the ultimate test...

  5. Oh man, I just saw this... I'm sorry to hear that happen, but I can see the healing is coming along just fine. (what do I know, I ain't a doctor! LoL but it looks much, much better)


    I have burned my fingers like that, but yikes, the whole arm is a lot of burn. Did they tell you what percentage of cover that is? You know how they list burns like 10% or 20% of the body, or whatever.


    Are they able to manage the pain effectively? I don't really remember the pain from my small burns, but I imagine the pain from a burn on her whole arm must really get her attention.


    The assignment was:


    The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.


    This was to be repeated 100 times.


    LoL. Don't encourage him.


    Not sure what the posts in this thread are all about. But the other "thread" he posted in is one of the cornyist attempts at spam ever. (Other then his other very similar attempt awhile back) I love how one "new" member in his other thread even said they didn't want to post a name on the subject because they didn't want it to look like spam!


    Now in another thread he is all screwed up and forgot to change logins before answering his own question!

  7. Have you checked out firetide? Thewireguys mentioned them. Firetide is a wireless mesh network solution. Along with video the system can provide VoiP, WiFi, and even mobile access. Very cool stuff!


    I found this to be a good read on the topic:




    Lots of other good info too: http://firetide.com


    There may be money available in the stimulus package for wireless internet projects. I have a neighbor that secures grants for school district projects. That's all he does all day is work on the required paperwork to get those funds. There is probably someone similar for general municipality projects too. Or maybe even firetide can assist with funding. Hopefully thewireguys will see this thread. I think he carries the product...

  8. Have you power cycled the router? I see those things lockup all the time. I've even seen where email wouldn't work until I power cycled the router.


    I don't think dyndns would expire. Especially an account being used. But you can test by bypassing the dyndns service. Try to use your public IP address instead of the dyndns URL. You may have to affix the port number to the end of the IP address with a colon:

  9. Yes, if you don't count labor, cabling does not have to be very expensive. But you may want to check with the local authority having jurisdiction to see if you need plenum rated cable. --That would double the price of the cable where I live.


    How long are your cable runs? I usually suggest siamese cable for analog camera installs. But if I wanted to future proof I would use cat5e or cat6. IP cameras are the future (and present) and will not run on your siamese cable. If the runs are short it would not be too expensive to install a cat5 with the siamese to use in the future. If the runs are longish I would run cat5 or cat6 only and use baluns to terminate to the camera/DVR. In the future if you decide to install IP cameras you can just punch down a jack to the existing cable and be ready to go. Depending on the specific install there is not much if any advantage to using cat6 over 5e. I do like the heavier construction of Cat6 cable but if you have a lot of runs the cable management can get to be a concern.

  10. Are you DIY because you are interested in the technology or doing it to save a few bucks? If it's a hobby, build your own. If you are just trying to save money then buy a ready built server and save money somewhere else in the project.


    You may build a server and have zero problems with it. If so that's great! but if your system starts blue screening once a week you could be in for a long and rocky road. The OS manufacturer will point to the power supply manufacturer, who will point to the mother board manufacturer and so on and so on. Any money savings could quickly be lost in time and patience.


    On cabling, You mentioned NVR... Are you using IP cams or analog?

  11. Sorry to hear about your upload issues. These message boards are one of my favorite Internet resources, but sure can be quirky sometimes.


    Have you thought about using a photo sharing service and just embed the photos in your posts? I use http://photobucket.com --mostly because they were one of the first and that is how long I have been using them. The accounts are free and it's a good place to store copies of the pictures anyway.
