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Everything posted by CCTV_Suppliers

  1. CCTV_Suppliers

    american dynamics "storage failure"

    You have two types of Intellex systems - Intellex Ultra and Intellex DVMS series. Intellex Ultra comes with flush drive that contains both operating system (Windows XP) and the Intellex application. Any hard drive you add basically gets used for storage purposes. Now, you need to double check the virtual memory to be 1.5 times of the RAM capacity. If your C:\ drive is 2GB, then it is recognizing your flush drive and you can not use it for the purpose of setting up your virtual memory. Instead setup your hard drives as "fixed" and not "dynamic" and make sure they are formated to their full capacity. Then assign virtual memory and make sure it is pointing to one of these hard drives - does not matter which one. The process will reserve 3GB of slice to insure that virtual memory is set correctly. Go back to the desktop and run "DriveConfig" utility that is part of Intellex utilities - this will reserve available drive space for storage... just restart the machine to make sure all these changes take effect at new boot. Intellex DVMS series is different type of system... dependent which version DVMS series you have, it works slightly different than other versions, but basically it still the same system. Since your C:\ drive is a slice of one of the hard drives and hopefully it is at least 8GB slice, then you will have a plenty space to assign your virtually memory to point to C:\ drive... and the rest of the drives are for storage. Exit code for Intellex Ultra or any Intellex system is the same...
  2. CCTV_Suppliers

    24VAC to 12VDC converter

    The only one that I know that works well is this one: http://computarganz.com/product_view.cfm?product_id=291
  3. CCTV_Suppliers

    Changing DVMRe-16CT-80 harddrive?

    GE tech was not totally wrong... even though this DVR uses machine language based OS (if Rory thinks it is Nucleus RTOS, then that is what it uses), there is a utility that must be installed allowing to have this DVR to be remote connected, which actually uses FAT32 format of a very small portion of the drive - the utility actually assigns this small partition, format it as fat32 and then installs this application... This utility is called DVR Uploader Utility (2.6) and here is the url where it is: http://www.gesecurity.com/portal/site/GESecurity/menuitem.11620ebca5cc0a06574efe10140041ca/?vgnextoid=bbb93668cd0a9110VgnVCM100000592d7003RCRD# Hope this helps...
  4. CCTV_Suppliers

    american dynamics "storage failure"

    mdc632, more info does help... Change the drive type from dynamic to fixed and it should work... however, if you have any video on it, you will loose it.. go back to disk management again, delete the drive, change it to fixed from dynamic, activate and then format again. do not use driveconfig function in the Intellex (this function is on desktop), as it will erase all the video. instead, go back to Intellex drive management through Intellex software and add the new volume and then it should work fine. was there any other problems with this system?? chances are very good that it may still be in warranty just in case.
  5. Does anyone know any sources online that provides online training courses available for any CCTV product lines? Courses are to cover various DVR uses, software uses, PTZ how to, etc... We are working on setting up such courses in our websites and looking for sources that may have already done this. Will online training courses really help our community and end user abroad? I know that there are training courses available on media from various manufacturers providing essential information on their respective products. But, I have not found one specific source that can provide these type of essential service. What is your take to have such a source online for our industry professionals? If available, will it a viable solution to access "as needed" info online on the go? With so many manufacturers and so many different products in the market, how is someone to "remember" everything besides specializing only on few products? Your opinions in this matter are greatly appreciated.
  6. CCTV_Suppliers

    TEN Do's & Don'ts for Intellex Systems

    Normally there is no reason to get into the BIOS for Intellex... it does nothing or will help on anything, as long as it is the original motherboard... Unless if you are changing the motherboard with a latest and greatest available from Intel, not much you can get to get into the BIOS... I will PM you the password for the BIOS... Let me know if you have any other questions.
  7. CCTV_Suppliers

    american dynamics "storage failure"

    Few questions... 1. Which version Intellex are you referring to? 2. What is size of the c:\ drive? 3. How did you "prepare" the drives before use? 4. When you changed the drives, did you also changed the power supply with higher rated version? 5. If you are using 2TB drives, then you are using SATA drives... How many SATA ports does your motherboard come with - or better yet, which motherboard are you using? It is not uncommon to have a bad drive anyway, but dependent on your answers, it is very possible that that drive may have not been prepared correctly in the first place... Most likely you sliced the first drive for Windows and Intellex and hope that you have given larger than 8GB slice... Also, since you mention that you increased your RAM, did you also increase the virtual memory?? Lastly, what type of SATA connections are you using based on the motherboard? I have seen older Intel motherboards that are not up to par with functioning with latest SATA drives.. Get back to me with some answers and I am sure we can figure out the problem.
  8. CCTV_Suppliers

    Remote viewing GE Symdec 16 plus 4

    Are you using GE Nav v3 remote client software or earlier version? If so, please upgrade to the latest remote client version software... Also, are you using GE Nav v3 or a IE to connect to Symdec? Also, are you running the latest version firmware on Symdec? Just in case, here is the latest firmware available for this product - http://www.gesecurity.com/portal/site/GESecurity/menuitem.11620ebca5cc0a06574efe10140041ca/?vgnextoid=cfb2cabfcd6a9110VgnVCM100000592d7003RCRD I will strongly recommend to use GE NAV v3 instead of IE... Give it a try and let me know if you need anything else.
  9. CCTV_Suppliers

    American dynamic

    There are four protocols you can assign your switch to work - RS422, Manchester, S-Net and Pelco "D"... Looks like you are stating that you already have RS422 distribution in place... However, the cable run for each is slightly different... S-Net being the most popular... Is the system already in place?? How are the cables run to each J-Box... More importantly, what type of cables are run from J-Box to each dome?? Dependent on answers, you may need Composite cable with Video, Power and Data for each dome... and this cable requires more pairs of wire (data sent and receive, power and video) and I think it is total of 3 pairs of 18/2 and video cable vs. S-net that requires 5 stranded 18/2 plus video like this one - http://cctvportal.com/media/catalog/product/cache/32/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/f/i/file_54.JPG Setup of the system should not be that bad... even though the AD168 has been discontinued... There still a support avail and even spare parts and repairs for this matrix switch... Let me know.
  10. CCTV_Suppliers

    Lock box for PC?

    Here is a manufacturer for fairly cheap DVR lock boxes - http://dvrlockbox.com/lockbox/index.htm - They cover very wide range and sizes...
  11. CCTV_Suppliers

    Long distance camera power supply?

    We all have n00b explanations...
  12. CCTV_Suppliers

    Max distance...

    RG59 95% Copper Core from known manufacturer (Belden, ADC, etc.) is good up to 1,000' CAT5E (or better yet CAT6) cable from known manufacturer (Belden, ADC, etc.) with passive baluns (we mainly use VU brand - http://www.videobaluns.com) - up to 1,500' Use them daily without any problems.
  13. CCTV_Suppliers

    Long distance camera power supply?

    Are you considering the amperage a the source when you are making this recommendation? With a power supply that has 1A at the source with 28VAC and with 16 gauge cable, your voltage drop will be around 9V at the receiving end, which will be around 18-19V available for the camera. I do not think camera will perform correctly. If someone uses 12 gauge cable and pushes 1A with 28VAC at the source, then the camera receiving end could get roughly 24VAC (voltage drop will be roughly 4VAC) according to the chart with Altronix... In the real world this could be slightly different, but not much... Higher amperage power supply will improve the voltage drop per 100' on type of gauge cable...
  14. CCTV_Suppliers

    Long distance camera power supply?

    Altronix has very interesting way to calculate your cable lengths based on wire gauge, distance of the cable, output supply and voltage drop per 100' distance here: http://altronix.com/index.php?pid=4&note=1 Altronix has 8 Fused Outputs CCTV Power Supply. 24VAC @ 28A or 28VAC @ 25A and even with variable current adjustments, thus if you follow the above calculation for your longest length guage cable requirements, then you can select the correct power supply. Good luck...
  15. [edit by mod-store link removed] has it for $1,161 + shipping. I would'nt mind spending a little more. I would appreciated any suggestions! Yes, I created another thread due to the lack of responses in the other thread. I am surprised by the lack of help on this site. Everyone that helps seems to be pushing a product they are affiliated with. Like I said ..I am looking for something that has a great track record. I just want to to set it up and forget it. I don't trust these no-names for long term use. Exactly. If your are a sales man CCTV_Suppliers at least match what I am asking for. Any other suggestions? My friend, I guess I am not a "Sales Man" and thanks god to that... Good luck to you in finding answers... With your attitude, I do not think you will...
  16. I don't see where it says 240 IPS @ D1 only 120IPS Maximum IPS/FPS. According to CBC, it is 240IPS @ D1... Now, if they are lying about their specs, that is something worth looking into.
  17. I think I may have addressed this request before... in another thread... One that is available from CBC America without hard drives does offer full D1, very easy to use and you can customize internal storage up to 3TB if needed... and also comes with full 3 years warranty... here: [edit by mod-store link removed] If you have any other questions, let us know.
  18. kwelhand, please find some of the answers below.
  19. kwelhand, you are welcome... Here is another piece of information about this unit... 20K per connection requirement is for the worst case scenerio and dependent how you program the system, it can work with as low as 10K per connection... so, just in case if you want to implement this option, this is a valid info. The unit you are referring in e-bay seems the same, but I am not familiar with anything from e-bay. I never bought nor sold anything through e-bay. I hear some horror stories as well as some decent ones from buyers through e-bay.. I guess it is just a gamble... you may win or loose dependent who your supplier is and what you are buying. I will consider several facts before I buy anything from anywhere - warranty for an example for such units must be at leasts 3 years (up to 5 years warranty is available), the technical support in case if you need it (most likely you may need it at one point), setup issues, warranty repairs if needed, etc. Price points for this type of system is dependent how many days of recording you need, which interprets to how much internal storage such systems come with. Here is (5) models that vary in specs that are available: http://cctvportal.com/dvrs/9-16-ch-dvr/16-ch-dvrs?dir=asc&intellex_series=68&manufacturer=133&order=price - This is brand new equipment that comes with (3) years warranty to start. Regardless which direction you choose to go in purchasing this type of unit, make sure you have the proper support and reputable company behind it. This solution is not for a short term fix, rather a long term and it has to work. As for bandwidth control on how many people can get in at the same time and timeline for how long they can stay... that could be the function of your router (dependent which router you have) - or better yet, with Intellex system... you can give parents log-in information based on username and password (you can create them per parent) and then you can restrict what they can see (how many cameras they can view at the same time or you may choose to have specific parent to view only one camera) or when they can get in. It is one of the powerful functions that this unit has and there are no limits how many users you have... as long as the users are connecting to Intellex using Internet Explorer, you will be fine.. Good luck and let me know if you need anything else.
  20. Samsung DVR is restricted to maximum 8 simultaneous connection and not much more available from this manufacturer.. even though it is great DVR for security recording purposes. Recently we had a similar request from a Daycare Center in our area. This school had roughly 100+ parents that shown an interest to view classrooms during school sessions... What we came up with was a DVR solution that allowed up to 20 remote view connections using Internet Explorer (no need for any proprietary remote client software) and then school provided a time schedule for 5+ groups of parents (20 parents per group) that will have access. The way it worked was that they allocated time slot to have for the first group to view the first school hour, the second group the second school hour, etc... and then rotate again... Another major consideration was the available bandwidth, which was capped at 512K up speed - and we had to select very specific DVR that accommodated all above requirements. The DVR that we used for this application was American Dynamics Intellex series DVR version 4.3. It allows up to 20 simultaneous connections using Internet Explorer for viewing purposes only and due to their compression technology called ACC (Active Content Compression, which compresses the video files 9 times better than MPEG-4 or MJpeg based systems), its requirements for upload speed is much lower than most... So, instead of changing everything that you already have in place, the solution will be to change just the DVR and keep all rest of your existing camera equipment. If you need more info, please advise. Good luck.
  21. CCTV_Suppliers

    Caution when buying from Surveillance-Video.com

    If they did admit owing you this money, you do not have to wait for them to issue a refund. Force your credit card issuer to reverse the charge (called chargeback) and put that amount back to your credit card. The part I do not understand is why your credit card issuer is playing hard ball with you! After all, who are they suppose to serve, you or them? Take this matter with your credit card issuer and do not take no for an answer. Good luck!
  22. Bosch all the way... works great... combined with GUI software, it is one of the best in the market...
  23. CCTV_Suppliers

    Computar/Gantz MP1DN any good?

    This is a decent camera and works fairly well... and yes, it is OEM from Vivotek... CBC is coming up with a MP camera that they start producing now... should see the first delivery within a month.. much lower in cost and will be avail either in box camera or minidome packaging..
  24. CCTV_Suppliers

    DVMRE 16eZt Drive size incorrect

    Rory, UTC Fire & Security is not a small company... Besides, GE was never geared to be a major player anyway - security industry was not one of their strong holds... rather, an opportunity to explore if they can become a major player... they never designed anything new, rather bought companies right and left and added to their portfolio... GE sold all their security division for $1.8 billion...
  25. CCTV_Suppliers

    DVMRE 16eZt Drive size incorrect

    Just sent you PM...