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Everything posted by gorion

  1. gorion

    No analog interface on DVR

    Digging into FW details it looks that Sofia application somehow was compiled for NVR only... Do you have any hints on how to re-enable the Telnet interface ? On latest firmware the port 23 is no more responsive. Thank you
  2. Hi all, I bought a chinese DVR based on XM mainboard AHB7016T-LM-V2. The major issue that I've right now is that I can't access any kind of analog interface configuration. Under the System -> digital menu I've got only IP interfaces. It looks that my DVR isn't correctly configured from the fab. Under Device Info menu I've got the flag Maintain enabled but I don't know that password. I've tried also to access the DVR trough Telnet, but it looks disabled. Currently I've got the FW version V4.02.R11.00000140.30001.1f1100.00000 that looks the right one for the board AHB7008T-MH-V2, googling it looks the right one (at least it is compiled for the same Hi3521A IC). Can you help on finding a solution ? Someone else had this problem ?