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Everything posted by fantomas21000

  1. Hi all, I've got this chinese camera : - 1080P - Sony IMX323 sensor - All in One : AHD CVI TVI CVBS - 2.8-12mm lens (zoom) - OSD menu with different parameters Link : https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/Outdoor-2-0MP-1080P-AHD-TVI-CVI-CVBS-CCTV-camera-4-in-1-Cameras-SONY-imx323/32734292665.html It is placed outdoor, and in AHD mode all moving vehicles are blurry at night, tested at 2.8mm and other zoom positions. My old 540TVL analog camera has no blurry objects at night, but during the day the AHD camera is better and no blurry. I've tried to make some setup at night (exposure, night mode), vehicles are not blury any more, but this setup is too bright during the day so it does not work 24h without any human intervention on setup. What is the problem ? I've got 2 cameras that have this behaviour. One is manual zoom, the other has electric zoom. Other specs are the same. Should I try a fixed lens (3.6mm) to have a better aperture, and also more shutter speed ? Please help ! Thanks
  2. fantomas21000

    AHD camera, moving objects blurry at night

    If I add more light, I have the same blurry effect on moving cars or persons. But now, please explain me why my analog camera is not blurry on moving objects ? The analog camera is a 30USD chinese camera 540TVL with SONY effio sensor.
  3. fantomas21000

    AHD camera, moving objects blurry at night

    Here are 2 still pictures from video : It is not the same angle, analog camera has 6mm lens, and AHD camera has zoom lens 2.8-12mm set at about 3,6mm. Look at the car, it is blurry with AHD camera. Especially, look at the wheels, rearview mirror and rear lights. I've reduced the brightness and AGC of the AHD camera to have a higher shutter speed, but it seems to give no benefit. ANALOG : https://i37.servimg.com/u/f37/16/29/02/16/analog10.jpg AHD : https://i37.servimg.com/u/f37/16/29/02/16/ahd10.jpg
  4. fantomas21000

    AHD camera, moving objects blurry at night

    It is set to auto. Because it is an outdoor camera, I can't set a fixed value
  5. fantomas21000

    AHD camera, moving objects blurry at night

    I think it was the Flicker Mode of the Shutter in the Exposure menu
  6. fantomas21000

    AHD camera, moving objects blurry at night

    It is not a focus issue. It is a zoom 2.8-12mm autofocus chinese camera with Sony board and OSD menu. The shutter speed is set to auto. If I set a shutter speed value OK for night, it is not blurry but during the day it is not OK. I think the problem could be the aperture of the zoom lens, even @2.8mm. Probably a fixed lens would have a better aperture ?
  7. fantomas21000

    AHD camera, moving objects blurry at night

    Blurry is on playback, especially on still image.
  8. fantomas21000

    AHD camera, moving objects blurry at night

    Sorry but FPS has nothing to do with blurry effect. My analog camera on same DVR with 12FPS is not blurry...
  9. Hi all ! I live in France and I'm using chinese CCTV cameras and analog DVR for many years now in my house. I have 2 DVR and 11 cameras. I've juste switch to ADH DVR and cameras and I encounter some issues I haven't had before on analog cameras. I hope finding some help here
  10. fantomas21000

    AHD camera, moving objects blurry at night

    H264 DVR on AHD mode (1080P 12FPS) But the problem is not the FPS because analog camera on 960H mode has also 12FPS
  11. fantomas21000

    video shadow in HD-TVI camera

    Why did you replace coax by CAT6 cable ? (just for my information)
  12. I have had many kind of theses chinese DVR. You can access to your cameras with differents smartphone apps from mEyeTech. Try on android : - kMeye - Kmeye4 - vMeye - vMeyeSuper - vMEyeSUperHD - xMeye - ... From a PC, you can only use Internet Explorer with ActiveX. I don't know if there are some other 3rd part softwares.
  13. Hi all ! Before, I had an analog system with 540 TVL SONY cameras and chinese 8CH Full D1 DVR that was working fine. I've just moved to AHD with : 8CH 4in1 DVR : https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/XM-Hisilion-Sensor-Four-in-One-4-Channel-1080P-960P-720P-960H-Coaxial-TVI-AHD-DVR/32690521883.html 4in1 AHD camera : https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/Outdoor-2-0MP-1080P-AHD-TVI-CVI-CVBS-CCTV-camera-4-in-1-Cameras-SONY-imx323/32734292665.html When I use an old analog camera on my new DVR (in 960H mode), everything works fine as before. But with the AHD camera in AHD mode, even with motion detection set to "lowest", I have false detection every about 10s. I've noticed much interference on picture. So I have replaced the old chinese siamese thin cable by a "real" RG58 cable I was using for PC network. I don't have any RG59 cable. I still use power from the thin siamese cable. I can't now see any interference on picture but I have still many false detections. Cable is about 20m long. Anyone could help me ? I don't know what to do... I'm really lost... The "test cam" is placed outside.