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Posts posted by ajdudley

  1. Hi All,


    I have lurked here for the better part of a year now, researching and gathering information in putting together a new surveillance system for my business. I appreciate all that you guys were willing to share. I am working with a fairly limited budget($10k) , and am trying to maximize what I can get. I have negotiated with a local CCTV installer off and on for the last couple of weeks, and am trying to decide whether to

    A: go over-budget and have him install a Hybrid NVR, OR

    B: Build my own hybrid system using BlueIris software and BlueCherry PCIe cards for the analog cameras.


    A short summary of what this system will consist of :

    (5) Axis 2-5MP cameras (IP)

    (11) Old Analog Cameras

    My question for you all is, Do I go over-budget and give the extra business to the professional or build a PC myself?


    PC Part Picker: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/fZYBnn


    Any words of wisdom welcome! Thanks again for all of your contributions!


    Edit: I guess I should voice what my concerns are.


    I have a fairly good understanding of networking, and am very good at troubleshooting software and hardware. I have built several computers.


    Is building my own going to cause me more headaches than this is worth? I have plenty of time on my hands to take the time to learn, but is this going to be over my head?
