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Everything posted by Gavin-D

  1. Hi, I currently have a KARE 1080N DVR Recorder which uses the XMEYE software for PC and Mobile when opening the live feed online using XMEYE the stream freezes for 5 to 20 seconds every few minutes does anyone else have this issue? have you had this issue and fixed it? My internet is provided by Virgin Media and it is constantly at or above 200mbps
  2. Hi all Since yesterday evening I can't connect to the free IP app it loads up allows me to sign in but then the cameras don't load I haven't had any issues with this app for a good 3 weeks Does anyone know of an alternative to free IP xmeye doesn't work with my DVR
  3. Gavin-D

    xmeye down?

    And it is still not working on IE
  4. Is xmeye down for anyone else online? where my camera is I just have a blue circle continuously spinning around clicking it says "The device is not online, try the other" The xmeye app and CMS are both loading fine as does logging into the box directly 192.168 etc
  5. Gavin-D

    xmeye down?

    No change this morning still unable to access xmeye on the internet
  6. Gavin-D

    Are these DVR's OK?

    My current 1080N Kare DVR is giving me some grief at present I'm having to reboot it at least once daily in order to view online and via mobile, I am looking at some 1080p boxes on Amazon to go with my 2.0MP cameras I have found 2 below are they any good? or do you know of any better that have reliable apps for Android 7.0 Nougat and PC https://www.amazon.co.uk/Evtevision-Channels-Smartphone-Detection-Surveillance/dp/B072MM89RF/ref=sr_1_14?ie=UTF8&qid=1508245492&sr=8-14&keywords=1080p%2Bdvr&th=1 https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07214GNGH/ref=twister_B071WPGWTP?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
  7. Gavin-D

    XMEYE playback issues online

    Hi, I phone find the phone app to be fairly stable tbh and it rarely freezes I have tried logging directly onto the stream via the direct IP 192.xxx.x.xx and that also freezes just like XMEYE
  8. Gavin-D

    XMEYE playback issues online

    Virgin media is cable rather than the lines used by the likes of BT and Sky