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Posts posted by rasanti

  1. Sounds like a P2P China camera .... located and run on there server.


    You first setup was with original password... which is also on there server....... change camera password local and you get no access from there server.


    Try re installing ....


    But why do you want a cheap camera that a stranger can watch you


    Re-install what? I just downloaded CMS searched for the cam in local, put username and password and it worked (before the current login problem). I didnt install anything.

    I cannot access it from lan anymore.


    you said that they send you a software.. do you have SADP with this you can downalod when the camera was activated date and time, some reset software is like the one for hikvision where you download the time and date and it generates a master code to reset the password....

  2. Hi, I have a system running like the one you want to build.


    let me tell you how i did it....


    I used ubiquiti system but you can try Cambium or a old tech call WiMAX....

    what you need is a base of what ever wireless PTMP tech

    1- Base ( this is going to be your access point)

    2- CPE ( this are going to be the radios on a bridge mode)

    3- IP Camera ( this is the one whit a static IP address)


    5- Router ( to administrate the ip's)

    With a bit a knologe on networking is going to be a piece of cake..


    the system that I am running has 25 ip cameras and the longest shot is 3.4 miles


    also if you can get internet to the ip cameras you can setup a DDNS and capture the image on the NVR

    on your post you said that there 3 buildings so is easy because you only need 1 base and 2 CPE


    I hope that I can help, feel free to ask
