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Everything posted by ddmundell

  1. Does anyone have any suggestions for a good solid IP dec/enc combo. I was told to stay away from ACTi and to go with the much more expensive Pelco due to the ACTi freezing and needing to be power cycled often. Well guess what same thing with the Pelco’s. I have had 2 pairs of the Pelco Net 300's installed for around 9 months with nothing but problems. Well one problem. They stop transmitting live video and on the DVR it displays the PelcoNet logo and they just need to be power cycled (unplugged and replugged in). This happens sometimes once a month but like tonight.... I got the call that both were down, I drive 20 miles to reboot, verifiy they are up, 20 miles back home, check 2 hours later one is still up and one is down. Only the transmitters need rebooted. I have had them replaced once and no change. Pelco is no help they just want to keep replacing them. That is not a fix. How about a firmware upgrade or something that addresses the issue. Vendor that recomended them has no idea about issue. They have little to no knowlage about IP networks. Here is the catch, I used IP because I wanted to go over wireless, have real time video, and eliminate the need for a separate radio/ant for each video channel like with analogue radios like Videocomm (have used these to and not impressed have 2 pair going back to Canada tomorrow to be repaired under warranty). This is not cheap wireless either. I am an IT consultant that has just started doing CCTV for a little over a year now. I know IP networking. I have been doing point to point and point to multi point wireless broadband networks for some time. They are on their own data network over a 3 mile point to point broad band wireless link. I have 108mbps through put speed. That is slightly faster than your common 100mbps wire LAN connection. The wireless is solid. The link log shows that there are no dropped packets, and no disconnected periods. All the equipment on each side is in a climate controlled environment. I've been told that wireless is not fast enough for their encoders and decoders. I explained to them that if you configure the enc/dec to their pre set "Max Resolution/Frame Rate" setting, it automaticly sets the allocated bandwidth for the single device to 4mbps and I have 108 available and that I would not be worried unless I had 15+ pairs running over the same wireless backbone. Again showing they have no clue at Pelco they usually don’t have a response. Any ideas. Again it is not the wireless. I have a couple different customers, one on an 11 mile link and the other on a 18 mile link runing some very network intensive databases and they have had no problems to date. Any Suggestions?????
  2. ddmundell

    IP H.264 PTZ

    I have a customer that I am currently doing some work for that wants to add a CCTV system to his truck yard. He has one other quote of a 2 camera system. They quoted him a h.264 system with 2 IP cameras that are wireless. He wants me to put in a quote also but with 2 PTZ IP cameras. I like Vivotek's but from what I have read they are not h.264 compliant. He just wants the best resolution for his money and just plans to have the PTZ on an auto tour. Any ideas??? I have got the wireless covered (camera itself does not need to be wireless just IP) and was thinking of using CyeWeb or NUUO's software. Thanks
  3. Don't buy Pleco, was told by a guy that works for Pelco and someone on this board that the Pelco hardware was made by a German company that sold out to Bosch. After that Pelco has no one working on software updates for their PelcoNet's. I just swapped out 2 pair with VivoTek and the only problem that I have had is one of the decoders came with newer firmware than the other for some reason the one with the newer firmware, the video is lower quality with the same settings. They are looking into the issue and in the mean time are supposed to send me the old version to load on it. Problem that I was having with the Pelcos is that I have a wireless link between the cameras (about 3 miles) and the DVR and when the wireless would drop packets from time to time (as any wireless network does) they would sometimes stutter and drop connection to the decoders. All I would have to do is go out and power cycle the encoders but sometimes it would do it 3 hours later or 3 months later. Have had the VivoTek's in place for 2 weeks with -2 degrees weather outside of the enclosure and no problems. We will see around -25 here in Colorado before the winter is over and 100+ this summer so we will see how things work.
  4. Anyone have experience with these units over a wireless link? I am using Pelco Net300's now and I'm having all kinds of problems, as stated in a previous post. Finally got in touch with someone at Pelco that admitted that the software on the Net300's has a flaw in the software and will drop out from time to time and that there will never be a firmware update. Someone in the previous post recommended the Vivotek VS7100 and RX7101. Any pro's or con's????
  5. Here is an update I was just out to the site yesterday and set the Live Video Auto-Connect to no because I did have them set to yes, and both cameras are down again this morning.
  6. ddmundell

    new fiber termination tool

    You can't go wrong with Corning Unicam. Kit is kind of expensive but you said that you doo a fair ammount of fiber so it should pay off quick. Strip Cleve Insert bare fiber into connector in unicam tool Cam tool Crimp with tool Slide on strain releif and your done Unless the customer requires it I don't even hook up a power meter or OTDR. If it shines good light, your good to go.