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Everything posted by DonPhillipe

  1. DonPhillipe

    H.264 DVR Firmware UPGRADE Help

    Firmware update procedure for all Chinese V4.02.R11.0000 "XM" company updates: 1- buy your no-name generic Chinese DVR from a company who accepts returns 2-test it like crazy and if you find anything wrong with it during the return window, then return it 3- there will be NO firmware updates for these which shouldn't be that great of a surprise since this same lack of firmware update issue even exists even with high dollar name brand-name DVR/NVR products. Basically DVR/NVR firmware is to get the unit off the line, shipped and sold and if it doesn't work the way you like then forget about it. (Expect firmware updates only from companies that are making billions off you, such as Dish or DirectTV.) 4- repeat this process when you encounter an error in your firmware (remembering to dispose of your current unit in an environmentally friendly manner) Note that all network versions of the V4.02.R11.0000xrxxx.xxxx firmware machines are vulnerable to becoming a bot net, using your local network the host. Just search on "XMeye security issues" to read all about the Xiongmai device's issues, the company that makes them and all the background about the exposures. If you've already significantly invested in this hardware and if you plan to use the XMeye or any other software which will communicate with this device or if you even plug this LAN connector into your network to test it, then you need to block this unit's network access to the outside WAN on your router and then if you absolutely must access this device remotely you need to use OpenVPN or another locally installable VPN. Since I have never found a viable software to control it other than XMeye, I would say that the control options are very limited and that also you are likely not going to be taking the time to install OpenVPN on your router and cell phone. but it is possible if you must use this hardware from a remote location and if you are in need of a great new hobby.