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Posts posted by dcam

  1. Why do you use anti virus in the first place, If you use only the Geovision application , and you don't use internet , and you put it behind a router with firewall, then there is little chance of intrusion, although lately the nature of attacks have maybe shifted a little . Maybe I'm behind here, correct me if i'm wrong but I would never consider using anti virus on a DVR for exactly the reason (problem) you have mentioned, it can cause all sorts of problems. + you have to regularly update the anti virus. That's also why I turn off MS. updates.

    Once I had a trojan on a DVR, but I inadvertently put it on my self , with a contaminated usb stick. Apart from that ...nothing.

    Please correct me if I'm wrong.

  2. If it was a loose connection , rebooting would not help, so the case 4 months ago seems unrelated.

    If you have a problem with 2x servers , then I would be inclined to think it might be a camera problem, one bad camera can sometimes crash/freeze the system , have you maybe the same camera type on both servers?

  3. I've put together an info. sheet for my clients when they use Geovision for the first time, hope its of some use to some of you. (V8.12).Feel free to add or edit


    To View Remotely

    [use only Internet Explorer]

    The first time you log on, software will be downloaded, also watch the information bar (top)

    IT will take some time to down load the first time, after that it will be quick.



    Log on to --- http://xxxx .dipmap.com

    Tick Mpeg4 “Encoder Viewerâ€

  4. First of all , do you not have one user name + password as administrator for every site, and give your clients a different user+ p/w as user or power user.

    I dont think it will work the way you want it to, but if you do it as described in the last post , by logging on to any one site, and then double click on any of the other sites you have added on the top right , it will bring you directly to the site without asking for a password.

    I fully agree with you about the messy procedure involved. It should be easy to use for a costumer, after all video surveillance is not their line of business, its just a tool for them , and it should be as easy to use as a hammer, if at all possible.

  5. OK, I think I know what you want.


    Just go to every individual site with your laptop, and when you are on each site , click on "save camera to multible host" ( bottom right ), fill in host name (xxxx) and password, never mind the "please key-in user name and password" ( I really dont know what that's there for ) then you will get a whole list of your sites ( top right ), just double click on any one and it will go directly to the site without any password .

  6. Thanks Thomas for the info. I haven't noticed any stability problems, although I'm not sure in what form they would present themselves. However I do have lots of problems with remote viewing, but I have always put it down to weak Internet connections.

    I have a few clients who rely entirely on remote applications, ( they never sit in front of the DVR.). If I thought xp pro would improve fps./video quality/ smoother viewing,etc. I wouldn't hesitate to use xp pro.

    By the way what are you guys doing when your stockpiles of xp / xp pro run out? how does vista run ? is it better? ( I can hear some of you growling already)

    Rory... I put it in the ceiling because its a tiny "fresh juice kiosk", no room for stock never mind DVR, and its also safer , it would be very vulnerable anywhere else. I always try to hide the DVR from break ins,its no good when they take the evidence

  7. I have alwaays assumed that XP home was more than adiquate to run GV 600/ GV650 / GV800, I dont use cards any higher that, and I always build well above the Geovision recomended minimum requirements.

    In what respect is XPhome less efficent at doing the job, I always thought XP pro was a bit over kill.

  8. Thanks Brankorackovic , yes I know, but supposing Internet doesn't work , or there are problems with the router , or ports , or control centre , remote desktop , etc. etc. I need to connect directly to the DVR with a screen / keyboard / mouse.

    I really shouldn't ask , because as far as I know there is no other way, but I thought one of you guys knows an easier way.

  9. Thanks bike_rider, record quality was set to 720x576, I changed it to 320x240 , it has improved , but not that much , I guess "view log" is a heavier application than "live view"

  10. I have a problem with a GV 600-4 unit with 2 cams, on a ADSL connection. When I access it remotely, I get a reasonably smooth view, about 4 fps. on 2 cam's. When I use view log or remote playback, I only get 1 frame every 2 or3 seconds on 1 camera only.

    If it can upload about 8 fps live, why cant it upload as much with playback.

    I have other DVR's with the same spec. that work fine,and they are all well above the minimum requirements.. Am I missing something

  11. I have a couple of DVR's installed in places where they are very difficult to access ( above ceilings). I use Controle Centre to mentain / access them, but when for some reason I cant use C.C. I have to climb on a ladder and drag a mouse /keyboard/ monitor up there, or I use extensions on them and do it on the ground.

    My question is. is there a way to use my laptop to connect via lan, and get the DVR's own GUI. and work directly on it.( not the webcam interface)

  12. I'm looking at using GV video server's as a solution for a client that needs only 1 or 2 cam's in each of his shops.

    My question is, can I put an external usb hard drive on to this to record, and subsequently view recorded images via Internet.

    In the documentation , it leads me to believe that this is possible, but its all very vague. I don't want to use GV ip cameras because they are too expensive and they need a separate pc to upload the video continuously from all the sites. Has anyone experience with GV video servers?

  13. What happens when you leave out the fifth camera.

    Are you mixing colour + B/W cameras.

    Are you sure the 2x power supplies are more than sufficient to run all cameras. (always use at least 20%more milliamp's than recommended.

    Do they get increasingly worse as you connect more cameras.

    Are you using inferred cameras, as they draw more current.

  14. How about a small light source , about 15 w. left on permanently, and place your IR. source right beside it, or around it , when you look at the light source (15 w. ) your eyes will automatically adjust , closing your iris (just like a camera lens) and if you set it up right you wont see the the IR. source.

    Or how about a PIR. activated floodlight, although this tends to make intruders suspicious, it depends on who or what you want to catch.

    With covert cameras I try to keep them close to and behind a strong light source, that way its hard for your eyes to see the cam. beside the strong light source.
