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Posts posted by bricor

  1. Looks like most were sold fairly cheap... What I have left is one Robot 9 channel duplex b&w new in the box (do not have the product right now and if interested, I will get it) and five Sanyo 9 channel color duplex multiplexers (MPX-CD93)... I will give them to you for $250.00 each, if interested...


    I may be interested in one of the Sanyo's. Can you shoot me an email.


  2. The part to convert video over cat 5/6 is called a balun.


    Why do you want an IP cam for a baby monitor? Wouldn't it be easier to use an analog camera that can be viewed on a tv rather than having to pull it up on a computer's monitor?


    *edit*, sorry, just saw the part about allowing grandparents to view the baby at night. Still think a simple ir cam would work better and be more cost effective.

  3. Care to share what dvr you got for $545?


    For the record, both ICRealtime and Mace sell the identical, exact, precise DVR line. They both come from the same manufacturer in Hangzhou , China. The only difference is they use different cases to distinguish themselves apart from one another. In fact, ICRealtime is ran by former Mace folks. Not saying thats good or bad, just stating facts. I was reading ridiculous posts as folks were critical of one model, and praised another. Knowing, both are the same units made me laugh uncontrollably.


    I am further amazed at how cctv companies equate price with quality. That is a huge error in judgment.


    I've installed Argus JPEG2000 units much to my disappointment, and paid a pretty penny for Geovision cards that simply are over rated and over priced. My DM units were the most expensive sold, certainly not the most powerful or reliable. Not too mention, a saturated product with no separation for resellers and installers to ever actually make a profit.


    Not picking on anyone, but can we all agree that 99% of these embedded DVR, and PCI cards are all coming out of China as Korea collapses under Chinas cost structure? My current distributor in the midwest is awesome, but!!!! they are just like everyone else, they import, slap a name on a unit, and pretend they are a brand. Dont mean that in a negative way, all companies do it including Pelco now. Be careful everyone, I have learned a very expensive lesson last few years, PRICE MEANS NOTHING!!!!


    I'm making great money now even in this economy we're in. My products are damn reliable, and about half the cost of what I was paying in previous times.


    Someone please offer me an argument as to why pricing on dvr and also PTZ is so out of whack? I paid 1299 dollars for the exact same DVR (different nameplate of course) as my recent purchase of 545.00????????

    Help me grasp this industry guys. How can this stuff happen? Both claimed to be exclusive, both used unique brands, but inside, clearly, these two units were the same overseas manufacturer, spec, and every single chip the same.


    I guess it takes years to find the fairest distributor out there. I wish distributors had to bid, had to install, and could understand how competitive our market is. When I win a bid, I normally am against five other installation companies. Spec, warranty, and a darn good price wins the business.


    As for my original posting of ICRealtime vs. Mace. I respect both companies, I respect anyone in this tough industry, but I stand behind my comments. Both are merely another Overseas built DVR with different front panels. As for pelco's fantastic monitors, they're simply a Taiwan (HiSharp) same as tons of ebay models, same EXACT monitor, with a name glued on the front. I wish I had a million dollars, I'd call China and buy, and glue my name on the front and charge (overcharge) installers and hope for the same (that everyone equates a high price to high quality) Actually, I'm too darn nice to do that. Best of luck everyone.

  4. Everything appears the same except for the variable lense is now 2.8-10. I got some of the new ones in as well and they look identical. I wonder if they have a new supplier? I've just installed a mix of both old and new for a client but haven't got them powered up yet.

  5. Did you test any IR bullets or just domes? Can you share some more of your thoughts? Models compared, etc.



    Hey Rory, have been testing some new camera's and have put them up against some of the same camera's you have tested here, like the new camera's better than any of them. Take a look at the new dome's on the website, if I can get a good sample will post it.

  6. Rory,


    I just got a couple of the Nuvico's and tested one last night after reading your post.

    I did this inside at night but I was able to make the filter engage and disengage time and time again. It did seem to stick once or twice but it would correct itself.

    I tested by simply turning on the lights in a room, waiting for the camera to switch and then turn the lights off and let it switch to night mode.

    I've got another one but it was late so I didn't open it up but I can check it out later as well.

  7. I know you can view all the cameras using their software but is there a way to view the feeds on local tv's from 2 DVR's using only 1 video feed?

    I can't tell if there is some provision for daisy chaining them for that purpose.

    I know I can just use 2 video inputs on the tv or modulate on to 2 channels, just curious if there was something built in to their dvr's that I'm not seeing.

