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  1. Hello everyone,I'm operating a company that allows customers to buy Bitcoin with cash. For that, we team up with local companies by installing a handheld terminal in their stores. When customers come into a store to buy Bitcoin, the merchant use our handheld terminal to conduct the transaction. The handheld terminal operates on Android 7 and we have fully coded the software that runs on it.In order to improve our security and to help us comply with regulations, we are looking to install a security camera in each store (we have 20+). Ideally, the camera would allow us to do two things: Take a picture every X seconds when a transaction begins and until it's over. The pictures are then sent to our server alongside a transaction UUID generated by our handheld terminal. The camera records video and audio 24/7, but the footage is stored on an SD card. This is both to save storage on our end and to save bandwidth on the store's end. Then, we would be able to retrieve specific footage over the Internet when we need to. We work with the following constraints: The quality of the Internet connection and the bandwidth available vary wildly across the stores. Therefore, we want our footprint on the store's Internet connection to be limited. We want the camera to cost less than $60 US. 720P quality is enough for our needs. The handheld terminal only support wireless connections. Merchants don't like the idea of being filmed by us. My question is: what's the best camera to achieve our goals?Disclaimer: I have never worked with security cameras before. After doing my research, the best fit I have found is the Armcrest IPM-721S. It comes with a software to see live streams and playbacks, which are stored on the camera's SD card. It also comes with a HTTP API to take snapshots. However, my partner doesn't like the camera because it's big enough to remind merchants they are being filmed. I said I would look for smaller cameras with the same features, but I haven't found any.At this point, the only idea I have is to buy a generic ONVIF camera that emits an RTSP stream. When a transaction begins, the handheld terminal would connect to the RTSP stream and record footage until the transaction is over. When it is, it would extract snapshots from the footage and send them to our server. The footage itself would be saved on the terminal's SD card and I would design some sort of mechanism to retrieve it on-demand. It seems doable, but complicated.