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Everything posted by Woody73

  1. I have four IP cameras and I cannot see any of them through my web browser. I have them all connected to my router which is connected to my main router via ethernet. Could this be my problem that my router is connected to internet via the main router and not direct to the internet.I get different errors depending what browser I try and use. I have tried Firefox- Microsoft Edge- Chrome and Pale Moon and all come up with the same or different errors. The system is Windows 10x64. Also they are all connected and work with Blue Iris ver 5. Thank you for any help.
  2. Woody73

    Use old Android phone

    Can anyone tell me if it is possible to use an old Android phone with no service to connect to a router and use it to add and control your cameras. Not looking to view camera except at home. Thank you for any advice.
  3. Woody73

    Use old Android phone

    I'm sorry to respond so late but I never received in my email that anyone answered this. What do you mean by recorder and app. I have the apps for the cameras on my phone, but recorder I don't understand.
  4. I have four cameras installed all connected to Blue Iris through my router to my PC. One I am trying to connect it through a wireless router converted to an wireless extender. My question is I have connected it to the extender but how do I get it to My PC and Blue Iris from there? Also I know people on here will say do not use an extender. I am just trying this to see how it will work before buying a long ethernet cable and having to install it. Thank you for any help.
  5. Woody73

    IP Cam connection problem

    Could anyone tell me why my IP camera only works with Blue Iris. I have 4 cameras setup and three of them works with everything I use including Blue Iris, IP Cam viewer, Onvif Device Manager, and the Internet. But I have one that will only connect to Blue Iris. It is a Wansview W9 Camera model.These are the results I get when trying to connect to them. ODM-Service not supported,Internet-403 Forbidden Your client does not have permission to get URL / from this server. It is a wireless connection but works fine with Blue Iris but nothing else. Thank you for any help