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Posts posted by 3RDIGLBL

  1. Most likely, Milestone is not cropping the image, it's just formatting it to fit the window aspect ratio.

    Try unchecking the setting "Maintain image aspect ratio" in the setup of the smart client software.



    I tried this and all it did was stretch the image to fill the display so of course it distorted everything. I it's cropping a good 5 to 6 feet of view on the left and right side of the image. In the camera setup I see all I want but in Milestone it gets cropped and now shows me less than I want.


    grrrrr I hate Milestone.

  2. I have a customer where we installed a number of Axis 3204v cameras and they are running Milestone essentials.


    At the camera we are running a resolution of 1280x800 but milestone crops the left and right side of the picture. I messed with that for a while today and can't figure out why it does that.


    I am not a Milestone fan at all so needless to say this might be user error but I can't seem to figure out where, I'm far from knowing my way around Milestone.


    Anyone have any ideas?

  3. I have recently purchased a bullet style sealed IR camera from a reputable dealer in the Ireland from whom

    I bought my first camera. It's not a low end camera but nor is it a megabucks camera either.


    It has just started misting up on occasion, if it were a box camera with a separate housing I would just fit a heater

    element if it didn't already have one but my bullet style camera is supposedly sealed against moisture.



    1. Do you think the moisture build up is on the outside?

    2. Is there something simple I can do to minimize the chances of this happening regularly?


    NB. I think opening the unit may invalidate the warranty so would prefer not to do that.


    any help or guidance, tips or realistic suggestions etc would be greatly appreciated


    Throw a desicant pack in there. I just purchased a number of the 3 gram packs that have a self stick side and individually packaged.

  4. Cat 6 adds cost to the hardware. Cat 6 is not needed for any ip camera on the market. We will run cat 6 for switch uplinks because of the bandwidth requirments to push multiple cameras but for a single camera we don't.


    A box of cat 6 is almost double that of cat 5e and in some instances I found that it is double.

  5. We do exactly what soundy is describing here and we use the same baluns. In reference to the outdoor cameras.....we have an install running over two years now at about 150' distance using Arecont 3130's inside an enclosure and power running over the UTP without any issue what so ever. We told the customer what we were going to try and if any issues come from it we will address it and to this day every thing has been great. The Arecont's were 12v so we used a step down and to my surprise none of those have failed either.


    Since it can drop to -40 in winter evenings up here I am really impressed with it. Everyone has there opinions but the best way I find is to just do it and see how it turns out knowing that it just might not work. Trying it will at least provide you with some experience and knowledge in a real life situation.

  6. I would of thought comparable although the 3135 states .02Lux at F1.4 and 1305DN is .1L. Lux is over rated LOL!

    The data online though is 0.2 for the 3135, which is probably the 3MP. Whereas the other is 0.1, also color. There used to be specs floating around with no IR cut, but they've washed their hands of it and just said "IR sensitive".


    Right from the AV3135 spec:


    1.3 MP B/W and 3 MP Color

    2040(H)x1530(V) RGB Color

    1280(H)x1024(V) Monochrome

    0.02 lux @ F1.4

    1/2” color and monochrome CMOS sensors

  7. I haven't heard of anyone getting sued because a CCTV system failed to produce useable evidence. All our invoices and estimate contain a disclaimer that CCTV is not guaranteed to deter, prevent or capture illegal activity no matter if the equipment is working properly or not. Do not sell a system to a customer promising things you can't guarantee a system can do.


    You can get a contract from alarmcontracts.com which is a very well known place to obtain security industry contracts. Contracts are double edged because if you are the only company requiring them out of all the competitors you have then it does not look good for you. Where we are no one has surveillance contracts but we have alarm system and service contracts.


    We do have liability insurance and we are bonded as well as most larger installs require this in our experience and it would be crazy for you not to have any type of insurance.

  8. Does this have the same low light performance as the AV3135? Called Arecont but no response.


    Thanks, Mike






    Interesting. I would of thought comparable although the 3135 states .02Lux at F1.4 and 1305DN is .1L. Lux is over rated LOL!


    Wireguys, have you tried the AV-2825 yet. I'm itching to try it out because I've heard good things and stuff like there is nothing nothing like it on the market currently bla bla bla......I was ready to throw in the towel with these guys but supposedly this AV2825 is the the savior......I would love to read some true life experiences.

  9. I would say yes but the 3135 has a dedicated 1.3MP B&W sensor vs 1305 that uses an IR Cut Filter. But I don't know for absolute certain.


    I was told today that the AV-2825 blows away the 3135 in night time and day time performance. I'm going to order one to test that out! I have an approved job for 8 of the 3135 but now I'm second guessing the selection here and the customer is interested in the AV-2825 which is cheaper because there is no need to buy a lens or enclosure. I've installed a few of the 3135's and there just a PITA to deal with.


    We just get ACTi ACM-1231 and Vivotek IP8332 for free from one company, only to make some tests, we will see how it will look like


    What is your opinion on these two side by side. I have an IP8332 at the office but not an ACM/TCM 1231. Anyone done a side by side shootout of these two cameras and maybe have pictures? My guess is going to be that the IP8332 is a lot more vibrant during the day but I'm not sure of the night performance mainly.



  11. Vivotek FD8134 in the basement of an apartment building.


    There are four 15W Mercury lightbulbs I think putting out 45W of light. It is kind of dim lighting so the noise is very apparent in the photos. Shutter is set to 1/30, brightness and contrast are at 0, quality is set to excellent, exposure 3 and gain is set to +2.




    Uploaded with ImageShack.us





    Uploaded with ImageShack.us

  12. First off " title="Applause" />


    There got that out of the way.


    The DVR's I have had had experience with do not always like to have the date messed with and some actually state a format is required upon changing the date.


    First I would remove the accounts that have access to the DVR and if anyone says anything come up with some excuse.


    Second I would explain to the customer what you are going to attempt to do may delete all the recording on his DVR and to back up anything he want to keep before you attempt it.


    Third I would try to change the date back to the day you want to record over and hope that over writing the index files created by the DVR for the date wanted actually works. Hopefully you will over write that date. You could try setting the time to just before the event and if it was 10 minutes long let the DVR over write for 10 minutes. I would make sure motion is in that area for the duration to be sure that the camera that saw what it was not supposed to see is recording or turn on continuos record for those cameras.


    Easiest possible way is if this is an embedded DVR just remove the existing Hard Drive and replace it with a new Hard Drive and if it's a PC and the data drive is a separate drive just do the same. You still have the previous three months and if anyone says something tell them the hard drive went bad and it had to be replaced. Your client will still have the previous 3 months. Once 3 months has gone by with no incident format the drive and now you have a spare!




    As you can see there is no simple silver bullet to fix this snafu at least that I know of.

  13. Rory, need to somehow make an installer for all these changes now. It's great that it is so tweakable but the value comes in when you can bundle a customized cd with the installer for your customers. Customer installs the software and it has your business name all over it with contact information etc...

  14. Oh one more thing because I love that video so much. If it's so dark in there as they would want you to think then how does she make it through the office so easily without bumping into things and oh wait she actually opens the note pad and reads through it . I wonder how much back lighting they actually have in that video


    Sorry for the thread jack.


    I do use H.264 for all ip installs and typically MPEG4 for analog. FPS is rarely over 10.

  15. I love that last Dropbox link. No way in hell have I been able to get a clean picture like that with a 3511 with a fast shutter like. There is so much noise in the picture it's ridiculous.


    I have asked them how I can repeat a clean picture like that with a fast shutter and no one has gotten me an answer. I have installed many of them and no such luck. I get some kind of noise pulse in every one of there cameras I've installed and I probably have about 80 of them so far. The pulse is almost similar to a 60hz cycle you would see on a bad tv except with out the vertically moving horizontal lines. I've power them externally, with the included ps and with Poe and always a pulse. This pulse causes motion to be triggered and the cameras record all night. Only way to fix it is with a shutter is 1/5 which is useless for anything faster than snail pace.


    If you have gotten your 3511 to function like in the link I would love to know how you have each setting set. Besides what criminal moves as slow as the model in that video anyway and is that a pot plant on the desk

  16. It's what I use but it's missing some pretty important things. There is no way to export (not that I have found) the Site Plan to image file that I can give or show the customer. Only option is to copy the image to the clip board which is the section of the image that is in view at the time you copy it which creates a low quality image.

    Well, you CAN (at least in the current version) right-click the plan and go "Save image" - skips the clipboard step. But you're right, export functions are extremely limited, and if you're working on a smaller screen (netbook), you end up with a very small picture.


    Ya you are correct you can right click but it only saves what you have in the view of your plan. If you want to save the whole image of the plan you must shrink the image down so it fit's into that small area of your screen before you save the image.


    Pretty retarded but for what it is I won't complain cause it works. For the online price of $195 I thought I may have a few more features like the whole plan save to image so I can use it with customers I mean it is afterall the business license I purchased. I should have just bought the residential version. Hopefully they use my money to make these small improvements.
