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Posts posted by protecvideo

  1. He will be using this for his houses. He bought the house located behind his property and has a guest house that he will be turning into a card room. He needs approx 9 cameras on the table to be able to view the peoples hold cards. (the two cards they are holding in thier hand that none at the table can see) These cameras will be viewed in a different room on some television screens. You will be able to see what each player is holding while watching the game.


    Is that what you were looking for?

  2. One of my poker buddies wants to build a poker table like the ones used at the world series of poker. He said someone told him 15K for the whole setup and I told him thats a little pricy. Anyone know what kind of cameras are used for this application? I'm assuming pinhole but am concearned about the lighting ?


    I got a guy who built my table but haven't ventured into the upgraded CCTV poker table. Has anyone ever built one? Thanks

  3. Thanks for the info. Now I went to the apartments to get some different spces and I ended up meeting with the main gut (owner) and he wants the cameras directly over the gates. I told him that we'll have to go underground cabling and conduit and it would get pretty expensive.He basically stated figure out a way to do, give me a bid, and I'll sign whatever.


    I'm getting a company to go out there tomorrow for an estimate for some under ground conduit and wiring. Who knows what that will cost though.


    I like those cameras Rory had up using Extreme CCTV so I might check that out. Any other suggestions are welcome.

  4. Hey guys,


    I am trying to cover two entrance gates in an apartment building. The main office is about 200ft from one gate entrance and about 1000 ft from the farthest one. I will be mounting the cameras on the roof of the building which has a straight shot to both of these gates.


    I need to have a close view ( 25ft wide) of a gate that is approx 1000ft away. Any recommendations or (specific model number) of PTZ cameras that can get a close enough shot without major pixilization? I heard esprit cameras by Pelco are supposed to be pretty good but have never used them. Or any other suggestion sgreatly appreciated.


    Other info:

    Low lighting around gate area.

    Need to have close enough view to describe vehicle type.

    Camera location height approx 20ft in air

    Trying to stay within $2000 to spend per camera and parts


    Thanks for the help

  5. First off let me say thanks for all the responses. Gives motivation.


    The DVR is a from All Digtal Security out of Gardena CA. www.adsdvr.com


    I tested the DVR on my house cameras over night and it was running smooth aagin. I went back and plugged it into the sub shop cameras and it started acting up right away. Haven't had a single issue out of about 50 units until now.


    I set the frame rate 2 frames per second and on a low resolution... nothing

    changed out 3 piece BNC's on both ends.... nothing


    I unhooked all the installed cameras. I hooked up two seperate cameras with 2ft of rg59 right to the DVR. No problem. I then plugged in the dome camera that was previously installed in the back room and boom it starts acting up. I moved the camera away from the floursent lighting as well as lifting all the wire off the t-bars on the ceiling. Finally the back camera works.


    I then plug in either of the cameras from the front dining area of the store it starts acting up. There is alot lighting up there as well as ceiling fans and I'm thinking there is something up in the false ceiling that is causing this probem. Too much noise interference maybe?


    I am going back tomorrow to try and run the wires int he dining area a completely different route against the side of the walls up above the false ceiling.


    If that doesn't work i might just tie a knot with the wire and tip the ladder.

  6. I just installed a PC Based DVR into a subshop. It is a four channel unit. I have three Pelco ICO 90 plugged in and the DVR starts acting up. Randomly the units individual camera shots will switch in and out with the picture of one of the other cameras installed.


    Channel one will show channel number three's picture for a second and then will go back to normal. It's as though each cameras individual box will show another boxes picture for a split second.


    Does this sound like a power / video / wiring problem?


    I spoke to the manufacturer and he said it might be a BNC connection problem.


    When I test the unit at the office I have no problem.

    Any suggestions are greatky appreciated.Thanks
