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Everything posted by jjjjjjj

  1. It's cybervision. 100% guaranteed.
  2. I am doing a quote to install a dvr system for two identical detached buildings seperated by a courtyard. I am thinking of possibly mounting 2 dome cameras to each lamp post. The lamp posts are in the middle of the courtyard. This is my first "outdoor" project and need a source for 8-10' lamp posts. Guess I can always get the client to hire a welder and add 2-3' of pipe to the existing pole and mount the domes from there. Thank you for any input or suggestions. Of course if the existing conduit is full then that idea is out the window.
  3. There is an unmanned volunteer fire dept being built in a nearby town. I am looking for some selling points to try and make a deal. Any ideas are appreciated. My very short list is: Is anyone coming into the firehall when the truck goes out for a call and the door(s) are open? Insurance. Vandalism. Response times. Web Cam? Thank you all.
  4. Despite the extra cost, I feel it will be better in my opinion to use a compression crimper/connectors (unless someone can convince me otherwise). Also, what are your thoughts on those automatic wire strippers? Thank you.
  5. Being fairly new to the CCTV field, I don't yet have the experience to go to a customers site and say, "You should get a camera with a x lens here and a camera with a x lens over there" I don't know what lens type/size would look like from any given point. It would be great if there was a camera or device that would show you what would be seen from a mounted point. Any www links or general rules of thumb would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.