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bob the b

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Everything posted by bob the b

  1. bob the b

    One for rory

    No Paypal No address No thanks
  2. bob the b

    timeouts in geovision webcam

    Not strictly true, unfortunately. If you go ANYWHERE in the world without your laptop you could be in for a nasty shock. Ive tried a few internet cafe's and theres not a chance they will load active X, for some reason the jpeg function will ,but this can not be used with enhanced security option in Geo.
  3. bob the b

    One for rory

    Someone backed out of the last one mmmmmmmmmm...
  4. bob the b

    I tot I taw an angel...

    A bird? A plane...............
  5. That's a budget camera, with i think a CMOS image chip, try a ccd for not much more $ and it will be improved significantly. If its indoor it might be an idea for a covert camera indide a dummy pir or smoke sensor.
  6. It's good quality footage though, can always improve mind you but $$. What camera is it?
  7. Both, Im sure i could identify you
  8. bob the b

    timeouts in geovision webcam

    The multicam remote software is a progamme that needs to be installed on the laptop. It is on the Geo cd that comes with the card. its dedicated software instead of browser based so should give more reliable results.
  9. Just un tick auto restart windows in the system configure page in the Geovision.
  10. bob the b


    No my British memory is fine,and it goes back a few thousand years One swallow doesn't make a summer................ BTW my wifes Sunday roast will match any Chirac feast
  11. bob the b


    And what cullinery delights do America offer
  12. bob the b

    GEO with a GE PTZ

    On the system configure page it lets you assign different ptz as you probabaly know. You have to activate it by ticking a box, this may be where you are going wrong. once activated it saves the config for that cam, then its a matter of selection at the ptz control on which camera you use, not only that when the camera is selected on the screen it goes to that address automatically.
  13. bob the b

    GEO with a GE PTZ

    Rory, you can set the address in Geo,it has a drop down box to click on ver7.0.
  14. bob the b

    GEO with a GE PTZ

    Rory, i had a similar issue with the pc, set the address on the gv pc to 1 number less than you have assigned it on the camera. dont ask me how or why but i had two ptz which worked fine on a dvr at the same address, but the geo would not control them. The cams were set at no 1 and 12, so in the geo i had to set them at them at 11 & 0. Hope this helps
  15. bob the b

    Waterproof Connectors

    No not BT, do they work got a few roll sfrom a mate who installs Sky tv,good stuff.
  16. bob the b

    please advise

    A web server connects to the internet and streams live video without a pc. it has inputs for video, do a google search. All you need for the switching between two camera's is a basic video switcher, you can buy manual versions or remote control versions,quite cheaply. server http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=4616&item=5216969911&rd=1 manual switcher http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=3319&item=7530002080&rd=1 With a 1 in 2 out amp thats all you need. Quality will come from the camera's so go for the best.
  17. bob the b

    Non-Networkable Solution

    If your on the move you will have no static ip,im not sure how you will set up a server in this instance. Wifi is normally (ad hoch) and using the ip of the isp at a specific location. Thomas would be the man for this i suspect.
  18. bob the b

    Non-Networkable Solution

    Not sure what your after to be honest? Firstly you mention a dvr , now its a mobile dvr? Are the camera's mobile If you want to stream video at various locations use a laptop with wifi as the server, input the video with a usb webcam or a usb capture card.
  19. bob the b

    please advise

    Prady i cant see why you need a pc. If you need 1 camera to stream video over the internet? Use a web server You need the 2nd camera to show on 4 screens? Use a 4 way amp. Total cost no more than £150 .
  20. bob the b


    Naaaaaaaaah, theres got to be sum old dolls
  21. bob the b


    Where do all the tourists go? I thought the gals went to the Bhamas for sum luvin
  22. bob the b


    Rory, there has to be some foxy chicks where you are man
  23. bob the b

    Waterproof Connectors

    You can also use self amagamating tape. Theres cable available at various lengths which is terminated in screwed connectors , these are waterproof very easy to fit and carry video and power down one cable.
  24. bob the b


    I'm off to the FL keys late September, think i'll cruise down to d tird wurld with my crimps and show you how to terminate rg59
  25. bob the b

    GEO 600 dongles

    I know when setting up a geo card the manual said it makes a difference which side the blue/black pigtails are connected to. You probably realise this but its the simplest things we tend to overlook .