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Everything posted by GhostRider

  1. GhostRider

    Mini nvr questions

    There is a mini nvr 2 for sale on ebay UK http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/710-53481-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=2&pub=5575378759&campid=5338273189&customid=&icep_item=264897139755&ipn=psmain&icep_vectorid=229508&kwid=902099&mtid=824&kw=lg&toolid=11111
  2. GhostRider

    Mini nvr questions

    A: just open the ports on your router and connect direct. B: no firmware updates as far as i know.
  3. GhostRider

    hiwatch nvr + rtsp

    Hi, does anyone knownif the hiwatch nvr-108-a nvr can record rtsp feeds from 3rd party cameras or is it onvif only?
  4. GhostRider

    IP adress changed by something or someone

    I have come accross this problem too and I have had 2 avn701 cameras bricked, after some research I found there is an unpatched vulnerability called imeiji https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/new-imeij-iot-malware-targets-avtech-equipment/
  5. Does anyone know the DC plug size for Avtech AVN ip cameras such as the avn812 and avn801?
  6. GhostRider

    Mini nvr questions

    Goolink is the app to use
  7. GhostRider

    Mini nvr questions

    Anyone run their nvr on a 1amp power supply? I have always used a 2.1amp on my nvr 1 and nv2 but I just tested the current draw and it's only around 650-800ma?
  8. GhostRider

    Mini nvr questions

    As far as im aware they have always had this feature, I have nvr1 and nvr2 and they both overwrite
  9. GhostRider

    Mini nvr questions

    The hardware is different internally so you cant change from 2-5mp etc
  10. GhostRider

    Mini nvr questions

    What do we do after removing the chip?
  11. GhostRider

    Mini nvr questions

    Have you tried changing the screen layout to 4,6 or 8 box view?
  12. GhostRider

    Mini nvr questions

    How can i see what resolution and mp each camera is?
  13. GhostRider

    Mini nvr questions

    Redders you need to use an app called Goolink
  14. GhostRider

    Mini nvr questions

    I get the same problem with 1 of my 720p cameras, from sunrise to sunsets its on/off every few minutes then at night it works fine
  15. GhostRider

    Mini nvr questions

    You can use a usb wifi adapter but it only supports WEP encryption which is old technology, so unless you have wep you will need to use an ethernet cable
  16. GhostRider

    Mini nvr questions

    Aslong as it detects your hard drive it wil record fine 24/7
  17. Did you find a solution to this problem? I have the same on my mini nvr
  18. GhostRider

    Mini nvr questions

    Yes I wish to see 8ch on same screen, are all your cameras the same? From what I understand if you have mixed resolutions then you can only view 4/8 instead of 8/16
  19. GhostRider

    Mini nvr questions

    Its standard Esata not p
  20. GhostRider

    Mini nvr questions

    Have you tried changing to 4 camera or 8 camera view? I have the same problem on bith my nvr 1 and nvr2 8ch, unless i change to 4 cam view i cant view live streams
  21. GhostRider

    Mini nvr questions

    My New Mini NVR 2 arrived today !
  22. GhostRider

    Mini nvr questions

    you can have it how you want, all blue is recording 24/7 yellow is motion, have it all yellow if you want motion only
  23. GhostRider

    Mini nvr questions

    I made a video showing how to do the correct settings schedule and motion mixed
  24. GhostRider

    Mini nvr questions

    try to format it on your pc and delete any paritions and try again also try another usb cable
  25. GhostRider

    Mini nvr questions

    nope, no network connection not even dorect connection to pc. just red power light