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problems with GV-Net

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I am having problems with a couple of systems using the GV-net both the older version that connected to a serial port and the new version that uses a usb port. Both cameras are using pelco P and work fine with a keyboard controller. I have had these cameras running with the GV net for almost a year and now they won't respond I have changed out the gv-net boxes checked device mananger and made sure my camera addresses were correct. software is 8.1 on one machine and 7.5 on another. Are there any updates or patches that I shoud be looking at?

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I had a Gv net card that died on me.

did u try reinstalling the COM port one?

for the USB card try to insert it in a different USB slot see if windows recognized it. I do it with device manager open and looking if something is changed when I unplug/replug it.

If windows do recognize it Ill confirm my settings, if not I'll guess it died.

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Plug in your GV Net, then put a multi meter on the terminals, then try to click on the arrows to move the cam, measure any voltage difference...if you get no difference then nothing is coming out, try the same from the keyboard to ensure you get the same results.


Perhaps the keyboard provides termination of the TX signal and your camera does not?

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