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Video goes on blank/blank screen

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I added 3 new cameras to an existing installation. Old cameras are working just fine but the newly installed cameras some times goes on black screen then come back on randomly. I'm using RG59U cable and they are squeezed together in a pipe, would there be any kind of video interference in this metal pipe? any ideas or suggestion would be appreciated.

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How far are the runs to the new cameras?


Secondly, you may have exposed wire in the EMT, cause the cameras to ground out.


What type of surface are you mounting the new cameras to? Metal, Wood, Stucco?


If metal, have you grounded the cameras correctly?

Edited by Guest

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Hey Scorp I am willing to stick your neck out and agree.


Thats why I asked how far his run(S) were.


Has the problem been solved "shaikha" ?

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Thnks guy for your help. I was out of town just got back, now the runs are approximately 150 feet each and they are mounted on a stucco wall. The camera I'm using can be found here. look for item# SC15G and the lenses are item# LM212. For power look for item# PW154. I had cut out the ends of this power unit and connected the ends with the 59 cable. Now I notice this power unit is Max. 1,500 mA. Would this be not enough to power these cameras or do I need to get separate transformers for each?

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