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Avermedia Units and Viruses and things !

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Hi guys

I use Avermedia units at work (or at least my predecessor did)

he had several of these units up and running fine and took me through the basics before leaving.

I am experiencing unusual problems since we experienced a mass infection of the conficker/kido virus.

I keep losing connection to my DVR's and also can no longer view some through the web browser as I could before.

I was wondering

A) that the DVRs - mostly the SA series have been infected by the Kido virus as they have xp embedded - is this possible and if so how do i 1) erradicate it and 2) prevent re-infection - I mean how do i put AV on a DVR


B) that the Kaspersky Virus killer needs configuring at a server level to allow certain ports through 5550 could be one , though unusually what happens sometimes is I will connect to 2 or 3 DVRs using CM3000 software - they will sometimes niggle but usually connect and then are fine all well and good - several hours later one of them will vanish and lose connection leaving me with several empty black windows where cameras once were.


or possibly

C) it is all down to the PC being used to view the DVRs remotely and nothing else - possibly the PC has traces of Kido still but I have checked and not found anything now.


any ideas from any Aver experts out there ?

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if it is a virus you need to clean them one by one. restrict acces to know clean users..................and work your way out from there.........


you answered your onw question.........if you have a virus from Dedoubletoothpick you can rely on anything you try to do until is is wiped out.

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