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Port Forwarding Fails

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Hi-new to the board and definitely a novice.


Got my dvr set up and can view it on my lan. To view remotely I went to my router a linksys WRT54GS and forwarded ports 80, 9000 and 9001 per the tutorial. I am using comcast business class for internet and have tried connecting the dvr through the linksys router and directly to the comcast modem but the ports always show as being closed when I check using yougetsignal.com. If anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it

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What DVR is it? If it's PC-based, make sure it doesn't have a firewall running.


I just tested yougetsignal.com on my connection and it tells me several ports are closed that I know are open, so you can't necessarily trust that.


Have you TRIED to connect from a remote location? Keep in mind that testing from inside your own network may not work, as some routers prevent loopback connections.

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i have the Zmodo d9104h.


I have not tried connecting from a remote location. Sorry for the lack of expertise but how do I go about doing that? Do I need to finish the setup with the static ip etc, or can I check the ports another way?


Thanks for the help

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i have the Zmodo d9104h.


I have not tried connecting from a remote location. Sorry for the lack of expertise but how do I go about doing that?

Well... go to someone else's house or an internet cafe or take your laptop to a Starbucks or something, and try it from there. Or just have a friend try to connect.


Do I need to finish the setup with the static ip etc, or can I check the ports another way?

Static IP isn't relevant to the port issue. You also don't need a static IP for this to work - it just gives you the convenience of the address not changing constantly. You can use a dynamic-DNS service to give you a domain name that will be updated with your IP if it ever changes.

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Had to leave town suddenly, my mom is in the hospital so I just had the opportunity to check this.


I tried to connect remotely but not sure I did it properly. As I mentioned, VERY nubie so I just typed my Comcast assigned ip address into the address bar. That did not work. What should I do to connect remotely?


Thanks for all your help

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In the linksys router click on the 'status' tab. Is your "WAN Internet IP" the same one you used from the remote location? Or is it showing you another internal address..this internal address would be the IP your comcast modem is giving the Linksys.

Your next step will then be to log into the comcast gateway and forward the same ports to the IP the comcast is giving your router. (i.e. The internet wan IP in the status tab)


Hope that helps let us know

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Here is the status tab (red) I was talking about. Your Internet Address should be your outside(PUBLIC,WAN) IP if you see an internal IP like shown in Green, this is the IP your comcast modem(in blue) is giving the Linksys. simply log into that comcast modem (IP circled in blue, yours will be different than shown but you get the idea.) and forward your DVR's ports to the IP circled in Green. again yours will be different.

now once your port forwarding is done, have someone check it for you. or you can use, www.canyouseeme.org to check if ports are open


hope this helps you out. enjoy.



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