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Could you help me pick a camera?

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I've been postponing this for much too long and after refreshing my requirements, I hope someone can recommend me an IP camera around +- $800.


1. Area that needs to be guarded:

I have a simple rectangular drive way: 15 meters long, 5 metres wide. There is a car at the final 5 metres that needs to be wachted too. There is a street light so it is not pitch black.


2. Requirements:

- IP camera that is weather proof (it will be outside, but somewhat shielded)

- Excellent low light image

- Identification of people at the far end of the drive way: can the camera zoom as soon as someone is detected there?

- Possibility to save the video information on my self-build Windows R2 2008 server (I can spare about 5 TiB for the camera video files)

- Record about 15 FPS

- POE strongly preferred


3. (uncertain) additional requirements:

- IR-corrected megapixel lens?

- Camera lens interchangeable?

- Camera that automatically zooms when motion is detected in target area

- Camera with 2 sensors? 1 B/W and 1 for color?

- Camera with build-in IR or separate IR?


about the lens: if the camera has an automatic (motorized) optical zoom, would that not be superior to picking a varifocal lens beforehand?


So far I've been looking at:

1. http://www.arecontvision.com/AV3130.html


- This 1 can zoom after an event? Say what?

- 1/2" sensor. The better the bigger for low light, right?

- It appears to require a housing?

- Does has two sensors!

- Requires purchase of 2 additional lenses?


2. http://www.acti.com/product/detail/Box_Camera/KCM-5211E


- Don't know if lens is IR-corrected.

- Unsure whether build in IR is a good idea

- Like the zoom lens


But there are so many brands, and it is hard to pick 1 that is superior for what I'm after.


So, like I said, the main purpose would be to ID every person that sets foot on the drive way, especially if they get near the car on the far end.


Thanks for your suggestions!

Edited by Guest

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Good set of requirements. I'm interested in what the suggestions are.


IR or no IR? If you have (or can add) visible light, I don't see the appeal of IR.


BTW, there are some demo cameras for sale in the classified section that might work for you.

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I do have a light source. Our house is paralled to our drive way. So our drive way is next to our house. If we drive all the way up, the car would be parked parallel to our front door, where the light is. At the far end, the driveway is wider, so a car can be parked there a bit to the left. Therefore, the car that has been driven all the way up to the front door, can exit without having to move the car that is at the far end.


Basically, this 1 would do http://www.boschsecurity.us/en-us/ProductInformation/Cameras/ex85/


but it is 3x above my budget

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Basically, this 1 would do http://www.boschsecurity.us/en-us/Produ ... eras/ex85/



the bosh does use your first choice of camera http://www.arecontvision.com/AV3130.html



so to keep the price down you just need the arecon camera / and housing then add a PIR light.





and you have the same as the Bosh.



with using a PIR light you will save more not buying a duel camera. this will do the same job viewtopic.php?f=22&t=20564

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It isn't exactly a fixed choice. I just looked for a camera with dual sensor's because there is a sensor especially for night performance. And that does sound superior to a 1 sensor model.


May I ask why Bosh is that much more expensive then? Is it because of their special night vision or superior DSP?

Anyway, I've just picked those models because they are in my price range and offered different features I like.


Is there a big difference between the Acti's zoom and the Acrecon'ts "zoom afterwards'" tech?

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May I ask why Bosh is that much more expensive then?



just because they can. its just the arecon camera in a bosh housing.


It isn't exactly a fixed choice. I just looked for a camera with dual sensor's because there is a sensor especially for night performance.


with the duel camera the sensor detects night time which switches on the 3mp camera. when the light falls to night the sensor switches off the 3mp camera and switches on the 1.3mp


but you always get better footage from a light souce such as a pir light and with doing that it will only use the 3mp giving you better images day or night.

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Any other brands I should consider? I'd like a few on my demo list so I can compare the best image.

I then gather dual sensor is the way to go, regardless of a light source present?


edit: I'm just thinking aloud: the 3130 is not that new, and we know technology advances quickly:)

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