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jack in oz

camera enclosure vent holes

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My camera enclosure has two vent holes in the bottom. They look like good places for bugs to enter. Can I seal them over, or are they required for cooling?


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Those are NOT vent holes, they are for cable glands so the cables can enter the housing and be sealed against water entering. The Cable glands will be in the box and if they are not then contact the place you bought the housing as they are essential. I always fit both but sometimes use just one, I then fill the other one with silicone to seal it.

I am not sure what the other hole is for but don't leave it unsealed as moisture and insect life will get in.


They look like this



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My camera enclosure has two vent holes in the bottom. They look like good places for bugs to enter. Can I seal them over, or are they required for cooling?




Hi you have some bits missing from your pic. you should also have a plastic slide plate that your camera attaches too and you should also have a plastic plate which seperates your housing (sits upright at rear of housing just before cut outs)


also in the kit you should also have two plastic rings (pushin type) that you use to seal the vent style holes.

if you ordered the housing with weather or audio kit then you will see a MIC kit that fits into the hole closest to the lens window. weather kit you will have a thermostate that will fit into top right hole (looking at your photo) and you would also have a replacment housing seperator with a small fan inserted. and last hole (bottom right) is for cable which is why you only have 1 gland pack.


you can just silicone the holes if you dont have the push fit coller or audio/weather kit.

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Thanks Guys,

I have the cable gland, but not the other bits mentioned (I do have the camera mounting plate tho). I'm not using audio or a thermostat, so I'll silicone up the two extra holes as suggested.


I don't have the separating plate you mentioned. I can easily make one out of aluminium sheet. What's it for? Does it have holes for the cable to pass through, or is it only half-height with the cables passing over the top?



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If you only have one cable gland I would get at least one more rather than silicone the hole, they are cheap.

You can get a grommet to close the other hole or glue some aluminium or plastic inside and silicone it from outside.

Ref the divider,I wouldn't run your cables over the thin end of a piece of metal in case it chafes the insulation. It may have been to hold a connector strip? Don't worry about that piece it's unlikely to play a crucial role in the housing.


Did you buy it cheap or something? I was surprised that you are prepared to accept it has bits missing.

Personally, I don't like plastic housings, but I have to admit those I have seen installed seem to do the job

they are intended to do and don't suffer paint flaking like metal housings. They do discolour badly though.

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If you look at the photo you'll see the other two holes have grilles moulded into the plastic. To insert another cable gland would require me to drill out the grille and make a hole. It's got to be easier to silicone something over the grilles, right?


No I didn't buy it cheap. The only bit "missing" is the divider plate , which you said yourself is not "crucial". It came with the cable gland to fit into the hole. Which other bits are you suggesting are missing?

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No I didn't buy it cheap.



hi you have not bought cheap .... your housing is made under licence via the likes of pelco ADT have been installing these for a few years.


it all depends how you order the housing with or without extras.












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PLAY your games numb-nuts. not me or jake in oz have had a go at you in this post. i was just stating HOW you would buy the housing



IS THAT NOT WHAT the forum is for. sorry jack in oz if it has given you problems.

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Hi fellas,

Obviously there's been a misunderstanding here. I now have the info I need to do the job (until the next problem arises!)

Thanks for the feedback.



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