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Can someone review my plan

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After lurking this forum for a while I have changed my mind about hte project oa a total ip camera system china made


Following a suggestion gave me on this forum I switched over an analog solution.

Can you rate my plan?

I leave in the front part of a 2 family house. We have the back wall in common and 3 wall free with a garden all around

I am was planning to install 5 camera outside as I show you in the photos below.

The camera on the terrace on the first floor is for someone who try to enter through the roof of my neighboard ( no camera in that property)

I would like to have face recognition capability is a vga camera enough in this setting?


Thank you





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Okay. I'll bite.


It's impossible to rate your plan without knowing 1)what your objectives and expectations of the camera system are 2)what your budget is 3)what system and/or cameras you might already be considering.


If your objective is to see and record with 100% coverage someone approaching and breaking into your home and be able to ID their face well enough to prosecute them in a court-of-law then, based on the drawings you posted, your plan is inadequate. I can identify numerous paths into your home's doors and windows that are not covered by your camera field-of-view triangles. An analog solution (D1 recording and <700TVL cameras) likely won't be enough resolution to legally ID a face (recognize=yes, ID=no; they are different things) unless the person is within maybe 25' and staring directly at the camera.


One idea for better coverage might be to mount some cameras on the garden walls pointing towards your home and some on your home pointing towards the walls...

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First of all thank you very much for your answer!


The triangle I draw don't respect the real field of view of the camera but only the direction / path were I am planning to dirige it

My best expectation would be , like you said, be able to ID their face well enough to prosecute them in a court-of-law but for budget reasons ,ill be happy even if I'll obtain only a deterrent effect and a generic surveillance of my house from a remote location ( holiday works ecc ) especially in case of ( rare) an alarm trigger.


My plan would be to put LAN cables in the right place and use fa cheap chinese camera for now

I could always change it with a better one in the future.


I had to change regarding the anolog camera idea cos' I don't have enough space in the existin corrugate to put lan cable while I have LAN cable almost there. And I can't use analog camera using lan cables 'cos I am using the lan as my personal computers network.


Meanwhile I am making an experiment , I bought a cheap 720p chinese camera for 140$ and I ll make some experiments with it:-)

I'll keep you posted


I understand that my approach is totally insane and unprofessional and to be hones I a little embarrassed to post in a such pro forum , but unfortunatly I spent almost all my money in building the house


P.S just to meak you laugh this is the camera I boughthttp://www.wi8.com/productn.asp?ArticleID=1634

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