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Is this too much light to kick into BW mode still?!

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Yep, on to the next issue.


I have 3 cameras (Dahua 2100 bullets) that don't want to kick over into BW mode at night. First two definitely could have had plenty of light coming in from the glass doors. But this one doesn't have much going on and yet still won't kick over.


I attached a still so everyone can see what exactly is going on. FYI, I've tried with that monitor off and it's still the same.


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Is it stuck? Did you try manully setting it to night mode from the menus? Does the IR LEDs come on?


BING! again!


IR's were on... but it was stuck. Flipped things around and nothing was changing. Hit "Default" just to reset two settings vs doing them manually and poof, it snapped into action.


I guess I was thinking it was something else since my other two cams that have outside light coming in both did the same thing and I had to put them on a schedule. I am off to play with them to see if maybe they happened to be stuck as well... but I'm pretty certain it's the outside lights keeping them in color mode.

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Well... looks like the other cams were stuck as well. Oddly enough they flipped manually before.


I'll have to monitor it again tomorrow night.

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Yeah, it's pretty sensitive to outside light in mode switching, and there's no adjustment for that, as far as I know.


The IR LEDs operate completely separately from the day/night mode and IR filter switching. They're only controlled by the sensor on the board, not by the software at all. You can make them switch as soon as power is applied, long before the software has booted.

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Oddly enough this morning it was in Black and White and the other camera had flipped back to color already.


I'll see how it acts tonight.

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