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Viewing the camera feeds from a monitor/device

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Going to be putting in a 4-camera IP system (costco). I would like to have a monitor set up in the kitchen that shows each feed. It would be ideal if I could grab it and take it to a bedroom/bath/etc.


I'm thinking an android tablet with tinycam/ipcam or similar would work, but would like to hear others thoughts on this as I'm super new to this kinda stuff.


Do you leave the feed always on? Or when the doorbell rings/whatever you turn it on and start the app?

Instead of monitoring the live feed do you monitor the NVR so you can rewind?

Should I dedicate a separate wireless AP as to not interfere with the main house wireless?

Is a tablet always plugged in a power/heat concern?

How would you mount it to a wall?

Lastly, any recommendations on the tablet?



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Currently I use my iPad but leave it turned off. If I want to see the cams when I'm not around a computer I grab it and turn it on, find IP Cam Viewer, and run it. Takes more than a couple of seconds but I don't want to repurpose it as the main front door viewer (too expensive and removes my use of it for other things). I'm thinking of using an Android tablet like you are for the 24/7 front door monitor but haven't done it yet (still have my analog dvr monitor there). I've got wired internet at the front door so wireless isn't needed, just an Android tablet with usb port and Ethernet option in the settings (Nexus 7 among others). Add a usb to ethernet adapter and you're set. Cheap insurance so you don't slow down your home wireless if you use it as a constant-on monitor. Even with a separate wireless router dedicated to the tablet, if you stream video over wireless constantly you'll slow down the wireless of the other main router. That gives you two wires plus the adapter dongle going to your tablet in the kitchen though. Only you can balance ease of installation with how much you use use wireless for other things. If you don't currently have a high-end router that gets really good reviews I think I'd start there first. Read the reviews on the one I use, and it's a lot better than any of the $50-$100 cheapo routers I've used before- http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833320091


I'd prefer to leave my tablet running with the live view displayed. Takes too long to walk over to it every time, power it up, and run the app. With it always on, it'll be used a lot more and be much handier than something powered off most of the time. I can't count the number of times I notice something of interest just by glancing at the always-on dvr monitor by my front door.


Mounting is a bit tricky. Best selection of tablet mounts I've seen is on GPSCity.com if the RAM mounts match your style. Tilt, swivel, etc, they'll do it but leave wires exposed. If adjustment isn't needed, you could even just mount a three-sided frame on the wall and slide it in from the top. Wires out the bottom hidden with wire sheathing of some form. Hiding wires will be a lot trickier with power plus the ethernet adapter hanging out of the usb slot. Depending on the kitchen, you might even not mind modifying a cabinet door and running the wires inside. That's a lot of frigging to speed up your wireless though. You might want to try just putting it on a tablet stand on the counter with the power wire running to an outlet. If it causes you enough grief to justify running ethernet and hiding the extra wires and adapter.

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