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Camera advice and general questions

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Hi everyone,


First off I must admit I am new to the CCTV world, I have toyed around with my works systems but never in depth. But now I need a system for myself and I don't really know where to start camera wise.


I'm looking at building a small home pc server (I'm a computer engineer) running zoneminder, mearly because its the best rated free one I have found, please recommend something else if there is better!


I will be needing around 8 cameras to keep an eye on horses/house. They need to be:


Good resolution and picture quality

Can be static, no need in moveable cams

Low/med cost so maybe $80-100 each? Is that too low?


Now for some general questions:

Is there anyway for the system to be recording like normal and be able to take a stream for the system and input it into a tv on a differnt input? S it is viewable with all the cameras on the tv?


I would never consider wireless cameras due to the fact that they can be jammed with no intelligence at all, can these cameras run of PoE ? (Power over Ethernet)


Any tips you can give me? Words of advice?


Any questions please ask



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