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Integer my username

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I would like to integrate my username and password in my code, I log in visitor autoamtiquement fashion


Here is my code, or can I and how to Integer my username.

// </p><p> if ((navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") && (navigator.platform != "MacPPC")) {</p><p> document.write("<OBJECT ID=\"RtspVapgCtrl\" WIDTH=400 HEIGHT=300 name=\"RtspVapgCtrl\"");</p><p> document.write(" CLASSID=CLSID:73888E2B-FF04-416C-8847-984D7FC4507F");</p><p> document.write(" CODEBASE=\"http://calao.zapto.org/RtspVaPgDecNew2.cab\">");</p><p> document.write("<PARAM NAME=\"VSize\" VALUE=\"SIF\">");</p><p> document.write("<PARAM NAME=\"Language\" VALUE=\"EN\">");</p><p> document.write("<PARAM NAME=\"ClickEventHandler\" VALUE=\"3\">");</p><p> document.write("<PARAM NAME=\"Url\" VALUE=\"http://calao.zapto.org/cgi-bin/control.cgi\">");</p><p> document.write("<PARAM NAME=\"ViewStream\" VALUE=\"0\">");</p><p> document.write("</OBJECT>");</p><p> } else {</p><p> document.write("<OBJECT ID=\"quicktime\" WIDTH=400 HEIGHT=300 name=\"quicktime\"");</p><p> document.write(" CLASSID=CLSID:02bf25d5-8c17-4b23-bc80-d3488abddc6b\">");</p><p> document.write("<embed scale=\"ToFit\" width=\"400\" height=\"300\" type=\"video/quicktime\" qtsrc=\"rtsp://calao.zapto.org/live.sdp\"src=\"http://calao.zapto.org/realqt.mov\" qtsrcdontusebrowser autoplay=\"true\" controller=\"true\" />");</p><p> document.write("</OBJECT>");</p><p> }</p><p> //



Thank you for your help

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One common way of doing this:


http:// userid:password@www.anywhere.com/the-rest-of-your-url


The userid and pw will be in plaintext, of course.

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