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I need couplers for the 12v power supply. Where can I buy?

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Is there a good way to find the sites advertisers or just put a feeler out in the classified section? I know one of the site sponsors, but I am not really sure who else is an advertiser.




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A lot of them have a website you can checkout to see what they sell.


Or ask about a specfic product and people will contact you.

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You would have to be stupid to try to pull ready made cables through conduit but if this guy can't figure out how to wire something as simple as siemese cable then do you really thing he is fishing the cable? He can get ready made cables and run them along the wall with those covers they sell at home depot I know its not very professional but if he was a professional he wouldn't be asking these questions right??

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Now that wasn't very nice.


He is in the learning process. I asked those same questions when I was first learning also. It is just that fear of not knowing whether you are doing something right. That's why the questions get asked. Most people are thankful for the help they receive here.


I tried those thin cables and the cable I am talking about is easier to work with and you will get better results. Have you check out any of the sites in the banner ads for cables and connectors. Then a wire stripper which is real easy to use. It is like a clothes pin you put on the cable and use your finger to spin it around several times and your cable is read for the twist on BNC connectors.


You don't need any of those leads if you cut the power wires leading from a plug in transformer and connect is to the cable. But I would recommend a power box you mount to the wall with a few screws and connect the raw power wires to the power box. Then do what Rory said above as far as connecting the wires.

Edited by Guest

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You are right it wasn't nice but when 20 pro's all with different styles of wiring tell this guy all there opinions it is confusing as hell. I personally have used around 6 different stlyes of bncs and well power is a completely different story..there are at least 10 ways I can think of off the top of my head. Ready made cables might not be the best but they work for people all the time and its alot easier then trying to fugure out what 10 installers who all use different methods are saying...hell I was confused for a while trying to follow things. You know what I mean??

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Yep, sure do. I know it is hard when your first starting out.


Those premade thin cables are harder to work with then just some standard siamese cable though. Just trying to get that point accross to him so he can avoid more frustration.


But your right, you have ten people talking to you and you don't know who to listen too or even understand everything that has even been said.

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The first install I did I was working in a warehouse as a temp and the boss had this 4 camera system he asked me to put up so I said sure how hard could it be...well it took me like an hour to figure out how to put on a twist bnc. Talk about frustration. That was only 3 years ago. The next one I tried was a 4 part crimp because according to the "PROFESSIONAL" who had been doing this for years "You know you have a good connection when you put the pin on the center conductor yourself" My ass that was worse then the twist ons. After trying 3 piece, 2 piece, one piece (which I liked) compression and snap-n-seals I decided that everyone has there own method they like and for people who aren't looking to get into the industry, who just want to put a couple cameras in or on there house by themselves cause they don't have the money to pay an installer 4 ready made cables at 10 - 15 dollars a piece are alot easier then dealing with BNC's, siemese 500 ft or 1000ft rolls and all the tools you only are going to use once.

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I agree. They don't need to invest in any special tools doing it the way I explained it. Just a wire stripper that costs 10-15 dollars. Your hand for the twist ons, wire nuts or black tape for the power wires and a phillips screwdriver to connect the power leads to a power box.


Its easy once you do your first one. But until then it is that fear of the unknown and wanting to get every ones opinion because your just not quite sure.


If he wants I can give him a link to a place I just bought a 500ft roll of wire from, the BNC connectors and the power box. Don't know if they have the strippers, but they probably do.

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Hell if he is in CA I have lots of short 500 ft rolls that I have taken a run or 2 off of I will give the guy. Heck siemese is what about 14 cents a ft.

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Here is the cable type you can get from here. Good place you can trust because it is a forum member.



These are the Twist On connectors to use with that cable.



Here are the power boxes you can choose from:



Here is the cable stripper you would use:



I don't know where you live, but these are the items that will work for you.

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rvryboy has a good point! We sell 65ft and 100ft ready made cables all day long to customers that are installing their own system! They prefer those to the Siamese cable. I even supply free loaner tools when they buy bulk siamese but they still prefer the $15.00 premade cables.

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i bought my wire stripper for $5 a few years ago, use the same one, heck i use scissors when i dont have the cutters, and even used my teeth ..

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He could still do that if he wants.


I just was pointing out another option.


But your right. I bought those cables your talking about and they can work.


And if your willing to loan tools, you can't beat that.

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i bought my wire stripper for $5 a few years ago, use the same one, heck i use scissors when i dont have the cutters, and even used my teeth ..


You must have some strong teeth. You could probably pull a car if you had a cable in your mouth.


You can do that kind of stuff when you have as much experience as you do.


I might use clippers, but I am not going to use my teeth. Nope, not gonna do it.

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